Donations for the food bank are gratefully received. Please put them in the container at the top of the stairs; Liz takes them along to the food bank.
Donations for the food bank are gratefully received. Please put them in the container at the top of the stairs; Liz takes them along to the food bank.
Rev David Easton is nearing the end of his time as District Chair. He has sent the following message to members of Synod and others:
“Dear Friends,
It was good to see so many of you at my farewell service at Perth.
Thank you for all your kind words and for the gifts that you gave me. As you will realise, the times that I have served in Scotland, especially in my role as Chair of our Synod, have meant a great deal to me and I will take many good and happy memories into retirement.
When I eventually settle back in to Scotland, wherever that may be, I look forward to bumping into you from time to time, perhaps. Meanwhile, I pray God’s blessing on you all and the life and energy of the Spirit of Christ as you continue to serve him.
With my kindest regards and prayers, as ever, David”
This year’s bible month will focus on the Letter to the Colossians. In Dundee, this will take place on Sundays 16th & 23rd June, 7th & 14th July.
There is online material, including videos, for those interested in reading round the subject.
Worship will start at 11am as usual and be in a café-style format.
General Church Meeting business includes conversation on church life, reports from the Church Stewards and Treasurer, and appointments of Church Stewards and representatives to the Church Council. Nominations should be given to the Council Secretary, Margaret Goudie, or the Minister as soon as possible, please.
There will be a lunch after worship – please bring food to share with others; please let Sue M-J know what you are offering to bring. Please also note that, as proceedings may last beyond 1pm, Council city centre parking charges apply after then.
Dear Friends
“To the saints and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.” So writes Paul at the beginning of his letter to the Christian community in Colossae. Paul’s reference to “in Christ” points us toward the relationship we have with/in Christ and is an important theme in the letter.
As we enter into Bible Month (remember Jonah last year), there is an opportunity for us to reflect across the circuit and as part of the wider church on a particular “book” of the Bible.
With all the conversations we are having about our resources and our relationships it is good to take some time to reflect together on scripture. As we have these conversations across church, circuit, District, Connexion, ecumenically what does it mean to be “in Christ”? As we move through the letter to the Colossians, we will explore this including what we might regard today as some of Paul’s more controversial words. For example, whilst I might want to point to the phrase “children, obey your parents in everything”, I suspect my children may have a different perspective!
Towards the end of the letter Paul does encourage the community to “devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving”. As a means of remaining in Christ I think this is wise advice and words I shall endeavour to take to heart as I ready myself for conference and continue to engage in all sorts of conversations we are having across the circuit. Please give thanks and pray for the preachers as they lead us through Bible month and don’t forget this summer to give thanks for the beautiful world around us by enjoying a walk, a break, a breath of fresh air, a visit, a friend, a neighbour, or sharing in the circuit barbeque (17thAugust, Arbroath)
“Grace be with you”
The roots for Church Steward, Counting, Door Steward and Coffee duties will be drawn up once the preaching plan is available. Meantime, please let Jenny Easson know if you are able to join the regulars on door, counting or coffee rotas, even if for only one or a few Sundays. – Thanks!
Discussion included
Chris Jackson, (Minister on the Moray Coast) is now producing the In Touch newsletter for the Scottish District in a digital format and a more pictorial style. Read about the other half of Nik Wooller’s work, and many other articles!
It is currently available in an online version from which copies can be printed; if anyone wishes there to be a more general supply of hard copies produced, Chris would be pleased to know so the overall viability of production & distribution can be assessed.
He is happy to receive contributions; his email address can be found at the end of the newsletter.
There are some envelopes on the vestibule table for those who wish to donate to the work of Christian Aid and do not receive one by other means. Anyone unable to return an envelope can hand it to Margaret for forwarding to Christian Aid.
The Rev Mark Slaney is to succeed the Rev Dr David Easton as our Chair of District from 1st September. There will be a Service of Welcome, followed by tea and cake on Saturday 31stAugust at 2.30pm in Scott Street Methodist Church, Perth.
We are all warmly invited to share in this Welcome.