Fellowship Group

Thanks to all those who expressed an interest in a fellowship group.  The first meeting will take place on Monday 30thSeptember 7-9pm in ‘L’.  The plan is initially to meet for a time of fellowship; however the group may develop into other areas (eg craft, bible study……) depending on the wishes of those involved!

Harvest Worship and Dundee Foodbank

We are proposing to spend some time at the Harvest Worship on 29th September thinking about Foodbanks, and the congregation are invited to bring suitable items for the Dundee Foodbank next Sunday in particular.

The Dundee Foodbank currently has the following list of urgently needed items.

  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned puddings (eg rice, pudding / custard / sponge puddings)
  • Tinned meat (eg spam, ham, corned beef)
  • Tinned fish (eg tuna / sardines)
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Tinned ready meals (eg minced beef, macaroni)
  • UHT milk (1 litre)
  • Coffee / Tea
  • Nappies (especially sizes 4 and 5)
  • Toiletries (especially soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste)

What they have plenty of (and don’t want more at present!)

  • Beans
  • Pasta
  • Soup
  • Pet food

So What’s the Story….?

This year is commended to Methodists as A Year of Testimony – of Telling Our Stories- for which the President & Vice-President have written a book “So What’s the Story….?”

This is to form the basis of a series of meetings arranged to help us share thoughts, experiences and stories over the autumn – everyone is warmly invited to any or all. All meetings will take place at 7pm on Wednesdays in the “L” shaped room.

  • Wed 23rd October
  • Wed 6th November
  • Wed 20th November 
  • Wed 4th December.

Books are now available from Sue C. at a subsidised price of £5.

Please let a Church Steward have requests for help with transport or if you can provide such assistance.

Afternoon Tea – Ashgrove Court, Blairgowrie

Our Circuit friends at Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie, extend a warm invitation to their Afternoon Tea at 2.30pm next Saturday.

Proceeds are for Blairgowrie’s support of All We Can.

A warm relationship has been built between Methodists and residents & staff at Ashgrove Court (Retirement Housing) where a Communion Service is held each Quarter.


Craft Fair

Saturday 28th September  from 10am – 3pm.
Tables £10 each, but sharing can be arranged by negotiation.
There will be a ‘church’ table where smaller donated items will be welcomed.  Coffee, tea etc will be available and donated baked goods would be much appreciated.
For more details and to reserve a table, please contact Liz on 01382 226426, 07946855121 or email lizkaylizkay [at]  yahoo.co.uk

Worship Consultation résumé

The recent meeting covered the following items:

  • The Harvest Café Service  on 29th September will be a Local Arrangement. A planning meeting for all interested will be held at 1pm Wednesday 11th September (“L”);
  • Study Group meetings on “whole church basis” (ie distinct from smaller pastoral support gatherings) on Wednesdays 11th and 25th September at 7pm in the “L” shaped room. These are to conclude the” Talking of God” series.
  • New study group meetings on the theme “What’s the Story?” – based on book by the President & Vice-President of Conference. These will take place on Wednesdays at 7pm in the “L” shaped room. 23rd October, 6th and 20th November, 4th December. These meetings are open to all – please contact a Church Steward if you need help with transport.
  • possibility of recording sermons for those unable to attend Marketgait worship;
  • next meeting – Tues 5th November at 10.15am.

Can you help with stewarding?

Jenny  is preparing the rota of Sunday duties for September-November; she will be delighted to know of anyone who can assist the current (small!) teams as a collection–counter, door steward, or server of coffee.  Even one or two Sunday dates will be very useful in relieving the pressure on current team members.

The Church Stewards will also be pleased to know of people willing to do readings in worship.

Warmest thanks are expressed to those on teams and to others who, in any way, assist our Sunday worship and the welcome offered to all entering our premises.