Pastoral letter from Nick

Dear friends

As I write at the beginning of February, it seems just a moment ago it was Christmas and then in this plan we will travel through Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy week and Easter and Pentecost at which point summer will be just around the corner!  Time is a curious thing – it slips by even what you’re not looking, and all the while there is the stuff that needs to be taken care of in our lives, at home, in our families, at work, in church.

In the telling of the creation story of creation, we know that God blesses time (Genesis 2:1-3).  Time, like life is a blessing of God and in the beginning, we are being reminded to simply spend time with God.  The story of Jesus being tested in the wilderness is time apart with God and Lent encourages us to embrace and do likewise.  To allow ourselves simply to be in the presence of God without a list, agenda or anything else.  In Mark’s account of the gospel after learning of the death of John the Baptist and before responding to the crowds (feeding of the five thousand) Jesus says to the disciples:

“Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.” Mark 6.31

 There is need to pause amongst the everyday of life and take a breath and the authorised version captures it well – a time to come ‘apart’ in the presence of God.  As Jesus notes elsewhere there will always be demands on our time but hardwired into us, in the act of creation, is the need for us simply to take time to be in the presence of God.

The blessing of God rest upon you, with love, Nick

Brexit day prayer

A prayer for Brexit day by the Revd Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference

However we feel about today
We mark this Brexit day
As people who grieve or celebrate together

One people
Loved equally, freely and unconditionally
By the one wise all-seeing God

Either way let us hold this day gently
Giving ourselves permission to leave
Without elation or despair
Determined to love our neighbour
Support the weak and welcome the stranger

Lord of all life
Let your servants depart in peace
And live according to your Holy Law.


A letter of thanks for our November Communion Offering donation has been received from Poppyscotland, referring to their continuing work in

  • supporting over 1,300 individuals;
  • acting as the major funder of the Armed Services Advice Project, together with Citizens Advice Bureau;
  • providing Team of 4 Welfare Officers and 2 Independent Living Advisors;
  • support to employers of veterans with complex needs, and also projects including Lifeworks and Employ Able courses;
  • financial support of organisations providing specialised housing for veterans.

Australian Bush Fires

The President and Vice-President of Conference have written to the President of the Uniting Church of Australia, to give assurance of shared shock & sadness and of “our love and prayers as (they) live through the challenges of the next weeks”.

Read the full text of letter, which includes reference to our shared responsibility for Creation and the delicate balance of the environment”.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18 – 25 January

wooden boat on dunes

The title of this year’s material prepared by Churches in Malta and Gozo, is “Unusual Kindness”, exploring the theme of hospitality, especially in the context of Malta as the location of St Paul’s shipwreck (Acts 27 – 28) and contemporary experience of seeking to welcome refugees.

The Broughty Ferry Churches Group service will be at 12 noon on Thursday in St Mary’s Episcopal Church (Queen Street, DD5 1AJ).  All are warmly welcome to this service and to other ecumenical acts of worship during the Week.

Full leaflet with daily devotions to download.

Marriage and Relationships Report

Cover of God in Love Unites UsWe have arranged two opportunities, on Wednesday 22nd January and Monday 27th January, for discussion of this report, both at 7pm in the L-shaped room. They have been arranged in the normal time slots of existing groups, but all are welcome to either or both. These are gatherings for comments, conversation and sharing of experiences to which all are warmly invited.

Please read the report before coming to a meeting; printed copies are also available.

Clothes Bank statistics

Clothes Bank clients seen at Marketgait

During the year Nov 2018 – Nov 2019 (Year 3), the total number of ‘clients’ was 235, of which 153 were male and 82 female. 65 were seen on Mondays, 168 on Thursdays, and 2 in extra sessions.

In the previous year, we had 174 clients(128 males and  46 females) spread over Mondays 52, Thursdays 121, 1 ‘extra’.

It seems clear that the project is of increasing value to the community.

Ninewells project

As at 3rdNovember 2019, a total of 185 bags had been given out and it is clear there is appreciation for this from both patients and staff.

Of the 185 bags, 79 were for ladies, 54 for men, 28 for girls and 24 for boys.

The Bags contain clothes or toiletries suitable for males or females, also aiming to take into account any cultural requirements. 10 pairs of slippers have also been provided.

We have received various donations to pay for the hospital bags.