Café Service – not the normal Sunday!

A café service will take place next Sunday 1stMarch instead of the last Sunday of the month.  Within worship there will be an opportunity to think about and share thoughts regarding pastoral care in the life of church – all accompanied by refreshments.  The children will have some time downstairs.

Drawing class

‘Drawing for Fun’ to start Tuesday 25th February upstairs from 10am to 12 noon.  Aimed at all levels of experience and abilities.  Cost £6 per session.

For more information please contact LizKay 01382 226426, email or text 07946855121.

Worship on Easter Sunday

On Easter Day, Sunday 12thApril, there will be

  • a short Service of Holy Communion at 9am
  • followed by shared Breakfast (c 9.30pm)
  • then all-age Easter Celebration worship from 11am.

Preaching Plan

The Preaching Plan for March to May 2020 has been prepared and will be distributed by email this coming week, with a number of  printed copies available in Marketgait from the following Sunday.


Café Service 1st March – pastoral care

A café service will take place on Sunday 1st March instead of the last Sunday of the month.  Within the worship there will be an opportunity to think about and share thoughts regarding pastoral care in the life of church – all accompanied by refreshments.

Worship Consultation résumé

Café Service on Sunday  March (not 29th).

Shared congregational Easter Breakfast at 9.30am on Sunday 12thApril, preceded by Holy Communion at 9am.

The candle will be lit shortly before commencement of worship; the congregation is asked to prepare quietly for the service from this point.

Next meeting – Tuesday 5thMay, 10am in “L”.

Bible Month Training

The Book chosen by the Connexion for this year’s Bible Month is the Old Testament story of Ruth.

A District Training Day will be held on Saturday 21stMarch in Perth Methodist Church from 10.30am to 3.30pm.

Our Circuit Preachers are to attend and an invitation is given to anyone else interested to do likewise.

Register through Eventbrite via

More details from Lorraine Darlow: 07799900471

Come to the Church Council Meeting – the way forward!

The Redevelopment Group met recently.

The cost of essential work and our limited redevelopment proposals is around £400k, and would not deal with the heating, the roof, the kitchen, the drains or improve the energy efficiency.

We are making a substantial loss on the building each year.

The Group does not feel that redevelopment is now the way forward, and suggests we need to consider seriously how long we remain in Marketgait and what the alternatives might be in the light of our mission.

The Church Council on Tuesday will be asked to consider options for the congregation.  All members of the congregation are invited to attend and participate in the discussion.”

Rev Nick Baker, the Church Stewards, Margaret Goudie (Group convener)