Urgent Request from With Refugees Broughty Ferry via Broughty Ferry Churches Group

WRBF has been informed of an urgent need for clothing for about 150 asylum seekers who are arriving in Dundee.  Apparently these men (18 to 60) are turning up in summer clothing and have little or no funds to buy suitable garments.

WRBF is asking for donations of clothing which we will gather together and then pass on to the asylum seekers via Dundee City Council.

We are looking for warm male winter clothing, footwear and sporting/football clothing.  Slim to medium sizes.  There also is a need for large pots and pans to enable communal cooking.

If you can help please contact

Graham McKee 07802 527223 or Jill Oakley (01382 736278)

Dundee Methodists Gathering

Our next time of conversation together, to consider any necessary business items and other matters for discussion / decision, will be on Wednesday 8th November, online by zoom (access from 7 pm for c.7.15 start, link to be notified).  I am beginning to draw up a list of topics so please contact me with any necessary business or other items to be included.

Many thanks,


Who Cares?

Session details (it is strongly recommended that participants attend all 4 sessions)

Session 1 (13th November): Introduction to Pastoral care

Session 2 (20th November): Discipleship and Hospitality

Session 3 (27th November): Listening and Prayer

Session 4 (4th December): Pastoral Care in Difficult Times

All sessions will take place on Zoom, from 7-9pm

Who should come to this Learning Network event?

The event is created with Methodist Churches in mind, but anyone passionate about the ministry of pastoral care is very welcome to attend!

How much does this event cost?

This event is free and offered as part of the Learning Network support across the Connexion – just register and you’ll receive joining instructions for the event.

About the Connexional Learning Network

Learning and development across the Connexion is supported by the Methodist Church’s Learning Network. This work has four aims:

  • nurturing and equipping Christ-like disciples
  • challenging and equipping mission-shaped communities
  • forming and equipping those who share in lay and ordained ministry
  • enabling and encouraging creative thinkers in an environment of scholarship, research and innovation


Church Leaders respond to net zero announcement

“We are dismayed that the Prime Minister is delaying the implementation of policies to achieve net zero. As Christian leaders we are deeply committed to encouraging all within our sphere of influence to be ambitious in reaching net zero as we seek to care for God’s creation. This transition must be rapid, equitable and just.”

This is the beginning of the joint statement issued by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, The Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church, In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on net zero policies.

“At a time when so many people are struggling financially, the government has a crucial role to play in ensuring the cost of transition to net zero does not fall most heavily on those least able to afford it. Delaying measures to insulate homes will have the opposite effect, and slowing efforts to reduce fossil fuel use will increase climate impacts on vulnerable communities around the globe.

Extreme weather events this year have demonstrated the urgency of the situation. The independent Climate Change Committee have assessed that even current policy measures are insufficient to meet the UK’s climate targets. The government needs to urgently demonstrate how it will get the UK back on track to reach net zero before 2050.

The commitments made at COP26 were instrumental in providing confidence to industry, investors and civil society that the UK was serious about rising to the climate challenge. It is a source of extreme disappointment that the Prime Minister’s announcement will damage that confidence and undermine our collective efforts. As a country, we have moral and legal responsibilities to show leadership in tackling the climate emergency together.”

  • Revd Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain
  • Revd Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson, Moderator of General Assembly, United Reformed Church
  • Revd Gill Newton, President of the Methodist Conference
  • Deacon Kerry Scarlett, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference

Service of Admission as a Methodist Local Preacher

Rob Mackay has been accepted by the Preachers’ and Circuit Meetings, and will be formally admitted as a Methodist Local Preacher. This will take place at 3 pm on Sunday 15th October in Perth Methodist Church; this replaces the previously advertised event in Arbroath.

We are warmly encouraged to join in this celebration and offer our affirmation and prayers for Rob as he begins this new phase of ministry as a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church.

Brought Ferry Churches Group history book

To mark and celebrate the 50+ years of its existence, Brought Ferry Churches Group has produced a commemorative hardback book recording its own history and that of its current Ferry member congregations.

David E has an advance copy to view; if you wish to place an order (for yourself, for someone else, as a possible Christmas present…); please contact David.  The purchase price is expected to be c £15.