
Worship in Salem URC Church next Sunday will commence at 10.45am to include the Act of Remembrance with two minutes’ silence at 11am.

The Service will also include the celebration of Holy Communion as is the URC’s usual Sunday practice. An invitation is given to all to partake of the bread and wine in Communion; the wine is non-alcoholic, offered in both a Common Cup and individual glasses.

As there will be no Communion Offering, the Church Council agreed that the sum allocated last year to Tayside Veterans, which was returned as unused, should be given to the Earl Haig Fund as this year’s November Communion Offering.

There will be a display of flowers for Remembrance on the Beechwood Table during this coming week leading to Remembrance Sunday. They are also in memory of members of the Robertson family, long-time and loyal Methodists in Dundee, gifted by Ann Buchan (née Robertson) in memory of her parents and brother.

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