Nik Wooller, Andrew Baker and Laurent Vernet (both Strathclyde) invite you to to travel with them through Advent 2020 along with others who live life with a Methodist flavour in Scotland. They say,
“It would be great to have people from across the districts [Scotland and Shetland] looking at this remarkable story together!”
There will be a presentation, using material from Paula Gooder’s book “Journey to the Manger”, and then discussion groups when we can share and learn together.
All sessions on Thursdays at 7pm
- Genealogies – 26th November
- Announcements – 3rd December
- Arrivals – 10th December
- Aftermaths – 17th December
To join, email, expressing interest: you will receive a Zoom link.
Andrew Baker; Nik Wooller; Laurent Vernet