Scottish Churches Housing Action Christmas Cards

Scottish Churches Housing Action has Christmas cards for sale – price £2.50 for pack of 10 (and see below for postage).

These cards showing “Home“, a bright and warm place, a modern “Christmas family”, in what might otherwise seem an impoverished setting, are designed by Mary Jane Cameron.  The message inside reads “Wishing you peace, health and happiness at Christmas”.  Proceeds will benefit SCHA, and the ongoing work to give more people the chance of an affordable home.

David Easson could collect them from the SCHA office when he is there on any of 7th November or 6th or 13th December, thus eliminating the P&P charge.  Let David know in advance if you would like him to bring cards back for you.

Otherwise, to order cards, please email with your name & address, and number of packs required.  Alternatively phone 0131 477 4500, or write to  44 Hanover St, Edinburgh EH2 2DR.


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