Café Service and visit to Arbroath

On Sunday 29thJuly, there will be a shorter Act of Worship, led the Rev Nick Baker, from 10.45am to 11.30am, with an invitation thereafter to travel for food and fellowship together in Arbroath.

Our friends in St John’s in Arbroath will provide soup, tea/coffee and biscuits and ask that Dundee folk bring “food to share” (picnic-style items).  They are very much looking forward to a time of meeting, getting to know each other better, and learning about our life as different churches within the same Circuit.

If you hope to go to Arbroath, it would be helpful to know names, what type of food you might bring, and whether help with transport can be offered or would be helpful.  Please contact Sue Commander or Jenny Easson about this or for further information.


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