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8 JUNE 2003We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. Thanks are expressed to all who upkeep our premises and seek to make them attractive to ourselves, users, and visitors — Property Committee & Stewards, cleaner, providers & arrangers of flowers, bookings secretary, furniture shifters Circuit Meeting NewsThe Circuit Meeting last Tuesday decided to proceed with an invitation for a Minister (Presbyter) following the Rev Jean Murries retiral in September 2004. This will be accompanied by a process to look at new patterns of ministry and implementation of the Circuit Mission Statement. The Meeting was of the view that we proceed with the Invitation Process but also recognize that carrying on as we are is not a viable option for future survival, even on a comparatively short-term view. Books to readAt the Circuit Preachers Meeting on Monday we spent the main part of our gathering discussing & recommending books - influential, devotional, challenging, current, historical - and found it helpful, enlightening, even surprising at times! If anyone wishes to give us a note of a book or books they can recommend (or even lend!), we will be happy to include this in the news-sheet. The following are available for loan:
Preachers (and others) would be happy to talk about material they find helpful for worship, private devotions, spiritual growth and general interest. The library area also has a range of books to borrow - consult Clare (our librarian). District Re-patterningMethodism in Scotland has re-arranged its working into 4 Units, which correspond to the areas in the Our Calling programme and also to the four networks of the new ACTS structures. The Distinct Units are
The District Office (in Dunblane) is staffed by Margaret Brown (01786 820295; email scotmeth@fish.co.uk ChairsIt has been agreed that we proceed with buying new chairs. There is one example here for us to sample today: please try it & let Norah know how you find it. Church CouncilContact Elizabeth R for papers for Tuesday. Help keep our electric bills down!One important practical way in which we can ALL assist in cutting costs is by switching off lights (and other electrical equipment) when appropriate & by not leaving doors open unnecessarily (especially to toilets). It would also be helpful if anyone coming into the premises and finding lights left on or doors open, would let Norah know so she can draw this to the attention of the relevant User(s). Thanks!! Meetings this Week
Support other OrganisationsTraidcraft StallThere will be Traidcraft items for sale next Sunday — tea, coffee, honey, biscuits, chocolate, Geobars, and lots more There will be a full list of items available by the serving hatch, and on the church website. Please let Margaret know if there is anything specific you would like her to bring. Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
In this News SheetNext Sunday 15 June
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