Dundee Methodist Church

1 JUNE 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Worship Group Résumé

Those who met on Thursday considered our Sunday worship over the coming weeks, including the school holiday; season, and suggest the following:

  • From(Sundays) 13th July — 17th August inclusive, there be no “children’s activities” downstairs and appointed Preachers be encouraged to follow an “all-age” worship approach - material will be supplied for the younger children to use whilst remaining upstairs with families and friends.
  • Downstairs activities resume on Sunday 24th August, again coordinated by Margaret & Lorna. They would like to hear from anyone thinking of joining them in this (for one or more Sundays) — material and advice available! Thanks are expressed to all those “going downstairs” with children from time to time — if you feel able to do so, please contact Margaret or Lorna.
  • Presentations to the youngest among us will be made during worship on Sunday 22nd June.
  • An Act to acknowledge all those who work with our young children will be incorporated into the Covenant Service on Sunday 7th September.
  • It is suggested that Sunday 28th September be celebrated as “Harvest” — (ordered) material will be considered later.
  • Consideration was given to other aspects of our worship
  • the saying of “The Grace” together during Services
    ways of celebrating Festivals (Easter, Pentecost) and Holy Communion
    no “early singing” in August, resuming in September.
  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th August at 7.30 pm — open to all.
  • Comments about ANY aspects of our worship life can be made at any time to ’tricia, the Minister, any Church Steward or Circuit Preacher.
  • Pentecost Party

    For our All-age celebration in worship next Sunday, those at the Worship Group agreed to request the gift of a (small) cake from anyone wishing to use their baking skills and contribute in this practical way. It would be useful to let ’tricia know in advance of any such offers.

    Church Council

    Papers for the meeting on Tuesday 10th June to be given / sent to Elizabeth for distribution next Sunday please, if possible.

    Summer Bible Study

    The Pastoral Committee has been considering the “small groups process” indication of requests for regular group Bible Study. The following series is therefore being arranged for weekday evenings during June & July, in Marketgait, from 7.30 pm — 9 pm, with an open invitation to EVERYONE interested to come and share together. It is hoped that this will be a time of “creative insight”.

    The material is from “Echoes of Magnificat: women with Jesus in Luke’s Gospel” but each study stands on its own within the overall theme - material suitable for males and females!

    Please note the following dates - further information from David F, Sue M or Jenny E (who will act as “facilitators”).

    Monday 16th June; Tuesday 24th June; Wednesday 2nd July; Thursday 10th July; Friday 18th July.

    Help keep our electric bills down!

    One important practical way in which we can ALL assist in cutting costs is by switching off lights (and other electrical equipment) when appropriate & by not leaving doors open unnecessarily (especially to toilets). It would also be helpful if anyone coming into the premises and finding lights left on or doors open, would let Norah know so she can draw this to the attention of the relevant User(s). Thanks!!

    Meetings this Week

    Date & timeVenueDetails
    Sunday 1st June, 7pm Chaplaincy Centre, University of Dundee Service (7 pm) and Talk & Discussion (7.30 pm). One of a series entitled “Questioning Faith” to which all are welcome. Refreshments available after - all donations to Christian Aid. See poster for weekly details.
    Monday 2nd June, 7 pm - 9 pm Marketgait Circuit Preachers’ Meeting
    Tuesday 3rd June, 7.30 pm Marketgait, “L” Circuit Meeting
    Wednesday 4th June, 7.30 pm Marketgait, “B” Finance Committee

    Support other Organisations

    Scottish Bible Society

    In Juneour support through the Bible-a-Month Club is requested for work in Turkey where early last century the Christian population was almost wiped out — today Christians form 3% (some 200,000?) of the population. The long-awaited Turkish Bible, introduced in late 2001, is being made available through 4 Bible shops and other outlets, including Book Fairs in key centres. (See noticeboard in library area)

    Prayer Points for this week

    • The President of Conference in Scotland this weekend, with the Vice-President at the Irish Conference, Tuesday-Saturday;
    • Local Preachers’ examinations Tuesday & Wednesday;
    • the future life of our Circuit;
    • the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia Team living and working in some of the world’s major trouble spots* (Christian Aid);
    • Scripture Union South Africa’s 4-year syllabus for Sunday school work (FTM Prayer List);
    • Bible Society work in Turkey;
    • The Leprosy Mission’s work in Myanmar and Thailand;
    • we pray with and for the peoples of Mongolia and of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan;
    • we remember fellow Methodists in the Bilston Circuit (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and in Cockenzie, (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).

    * Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Serbia, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.