12 November 2017
Next Sunday 19 November 2017
- 11 am
- Worship led by the Rev Nick Baker
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
We prayerfully uphold all who act as carers for loved ones or are concerned for the well-being of those close to them.
MHA - “Christmas Friendship Appeal”
We are invited to write an extra Christmas card to be distributed to an MHA resident or Live at Home Scheme member. Please
- address to 'Dear friend';
- add a seasonal greeting;
- say who it's from - your first name is fine;
- say you are from Dundee Methodist Church.
Margaret is collecting them to send off; please have them in church by Sunday 26th November at the latest.
Flower Rota
If anyone wishes to offer to prepare the 2018 flower rota, please contact a Church Steward. Please also let us know if you wish your name added to next year's rota.
Bible reading notes
'Fresh from the word' 2018 costs £9.95 for the print edition, and £6.99 for the Kindle edition from Amazon. Please let Margaret Goudie know if you would like a print copy; she will attempt to source them without postage charges
Methodist ClothesBank
- Urgently Wanted: CARRIER BAGS
- Always wanted: volunteers - to join the rota, please contact Margaret. Men are especially welcome, since we have more male than female customers.
- There are regular uplifts of items in the “rag bag” - any still usable item of clothing or footwear can be contributed and money from the sale enables purchase of underwear and socks for clients.
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
At the Group's meeting this week members discussed
- the successful Refugee Awareness Event and agreed the setting up of a group to continue contacts and develop avenues of support
- Advent and Christmas leaflets for distribution at the 'Lights Switching-On' and to businesses;
- marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th - 25th January) and Lent (February 14th onwards)
The Group also invites support for forthcoming events:
- Advent Quiet Day on Saturday 25th November from 10am to 12 noon in Barnhill St Margaret's, Invermark Terrace;
- 'Songs for the Season' with Bruce Davies on Saturday 9th December at 7pm in St James, Fort Street; info 01382 320493
'Dundee Nativity'
All are invited to free performances in The Steeple Church, Nethergate, Dundee on
- Friday 24th November at 7.15pm
- Saturday 25th November at 2.30pm
- Sunday 26th November at 2.30pm.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Thursday, 16th November, 12noon
St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, Broughty Ferry |
“Persecuted Christians” prayer group. If you wish, bring food for a shared meal after.
Friday, 17th November,
Dundee Methodist Church |
architect's survey throughout premises
Saturday, 18th November,
Dunblane |
District Policy Committee
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Partnership is invited in November for work in Bulgaria.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- Indonesian Bible Society's translation of the Bible into the Mori language;
- Bible Society in Israel's production of an illustrated New Testament for children;
- Bible Society in Jordan's provision of resources to reconnect with young families;
- SBS preparation of complementary information on Suriname for the 2018 World Day of Prayer on Friday 2nd March.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Friday, 1st December, 7.30pm
Barnhill St Margaret's
Broughty Ferry |
Impromptu Singers Christmas Concert; £5. Proceeds to church's projects in the Philippines.
Sunday, 3rd December
Fowlis Village Hall
Samuel Chorus Christmas Concert.
Sunday, 10th December, 7.30pm
Caird Hall |
Dundee Choral Concert; various works including Rutter's “Gloria” .
Prayer Points for this week
- the President and Vice-President of Conference at Germinate in the Arthur Rank Centre, Birmingham, next Friday and in the Birmingham District next weekend;
- District Policy Committee members;
- the newly-elected Episcopal Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney, the Rev Canon Anne Dyer;
- the Circuit's ordained Ministers and their families;
- Children's Fun Day, Scott Street, Perth, Thursday;
- work in the Cornwall District (Methodist Homes);
- work of the Karagheusian Medical Centre in Beirut to treat refugees with chronic illnesses and conditions (Embrace ME);
- UN Climate Change talks being held in Bonn and hosted by Fiji (Christian Aid);
- work in Papua New Guinea (MAF);
- work in Burma and Thailand (The Leprosy Mission);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand and of Australia (WCC);
- we remember Methodists in the North Yorkshire Dales Circuit (Darlington District), Methodists & Episcopalians in St Anne's Dunbar (Forth Valley Circuit), and the United Reformed Church congregation in Beith.