Dundee Methodist Church

14 May 2017

Next Sunday
21 May 2017

11 am
Worship led by Mr Donnie Caldwell (Central Scotland Circuit)

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Keith Pearson's 50 years as a Local Preacher

A Circuit Service is to be held this afternoon at 3pm in Marketgait to mark the 50th anniversary of Keith's Recognition as a Methodist Local Preacher and his ministry over these years. An offering will be uplifted for the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Fund. The Service will be followed by refreshments; everyone is invited to stay for conversation together.

Methodist ClothesBank

Mondays 10am -12 noon (i/c Liz)

Thursdays 1pm - 3pm (i/c Sue)

Volunteers please contact Sue or Liz

More clothing is still needed; please have a good spring clean of your wardrobes. Anything is welcome. We will

  • keep good adult clothing for the clothesbank;
  • send good clothing for children and teenagers to “Togs from Tots to Teens”;
  • recycle clothes that are not suitable for either; we can raise money in this way.

Please take a collecting bag from the table at the top of the stairs or ask a helper for one.

Do you have curtains to spare?

Starter Packs are desperately in need of curtains or material. If anyone has spare curtains that they don't need, these would be very much appreciated.

General Church Meeting

Please note that the annual GCM will take place on Sunday 4th June, combining worship with opportunity for conversation about our work and witness based in and from Marketgait. It will commence at 10.30 am and end before parking charges are implemented from 1pm.

Necessary formal business will include the (re)election of Church Stewards and representatives to the Church Council, as well as formal reports from the Church Stewards and the Church Treasurer. It is intended that there will be ample time to share wider conversation and thinking about our life together and “the way ahead”, including update on this week's conversation with friends from the URC.

Easter Offering envelopes

£49.80 has been donated so far: envelopes can be returned through the offering plate today.

Election Hustings - Dundee East constituency

The Rev Brian Talbot of Broughty Ferry Baptist Church has sent the following intimation:

I am in the process of organising an election hustings for the Dundee East constituency at Broughty Ferry Baptist Church on Wednesday 31st May, 7.30 - 9.30pm. Anyone intending to be present and who has a question they would like to ask can send it directly to me or may equally have an opportunity to ask it from the floor on the evening.

The Baptist premises are located at 86 St Vincent Street, Broughty Ferry, DD5 2EZ.

“In Touch” - Methodist Scotland District newsletter

Copies of the Spring 2017 (issue 8) edition are on the vestibule table; please take, uplift for handing to others, recommend - and read & note the contents!

Deaf Awareness Week

We have received intimation of the provision of advice for people experiencing problems with their hearing and eyesight through an Information Stand in Ninewells Hospital this week. There will be people available to discuss the different aspects of such difficulties. Timetable and more information.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday, 17th May, 10.30am Dundee Methodist Church, upstairs Meeting with URC
Wednesday, 17th May, 1pm Dundee Methodist Church Worship Consultation for all interested in our worship life. Coffee / tea will be available from c.12.15pm for those who may wish to bring their lunch. Sue Commander (Convener) will be pleased to know of any items for discussion, also to have feedback or comments on our worship together.
Thursday, 18th May, 12 noon St Mary's Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Prayer Service for Persecuted Christians. If you wish, please bring food for a shared meal together after.
Saturday, 20th May, 11am to 3pm St Aidan's Centre, Brook Street, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Coffee Morning. There will be “the usual stalls” plus a number of 'light hearted competitions' to assist the fund-raising. Tickets / entry £2.00 for Christian Aid.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Partnership is invited in May for work in Scotland.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • Hungarian Bible Society's visual translation of the written text of the newly revised Hungarian Bible for deaf people;
  • Bible Society of India's revision of the Bible in Santholi;
  • SBS presence at the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland and the Free Church of Scotland this week;
  • Bible Society of Israel's production of an illustrated Hebrew New Testament for children, also digital versions of Bible stories for children to view on line.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President and Vice-President of Conference in the London District next weekend;
  • the Church of Scotland and Free Church of Scotland General Assemblies;
  • Connexional Allowances Committee, Memorials Committee meetings this week;
  • Methodist Local Preachers and Leaders of Worship;
  • work in the Liverpool District (Methodist Homes);
  • Coptic Orthodox Church's Anaphora retreat centre's work with young women in Egypt (Embrace ME);
  • Afghan refugees in camps in Greece (Christian Aid);
  • work in Haiti (MAF);
  • Bible Society work in Scotland;
  • work in west India (The Leprosy Mission);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Lincoln North Circuit (Lincolnshire District) and all in St John's Dumfries ecumenical partnership (Strathclyde Circuit).