9 July 2017
Next Sunday 16 July 2017
- 11 am
- Worship led by Jenny Easson
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Ministerial Cover in July
For Circuit matters please contact Keith Pearson in the first instance; for pastoral or wider issues, the Rev Dr David P Easton will be available.
Methodist Prayer Handbook: 2017-18
Pam Bostock will send in a bulk order for this Handbook on behalf of all the Circuit's churches; please sign the list on the vestibule table if you wish to order a copy, or contact Jenny Easson. The cost for an ordinary print copy is £3.50 and for a large print copy £3.95 - the bulk order will be “post-free” and arrive in August.
Methodist ClothesBank
Mondays 10am -12 noon (i/c Liz)
Thursdays 1pm - 3pm (i/c Sue)
Volunteers please contact Sue or Liz
More clothing is still needed; please have a good spring clean of
your wardrobes. Anything is welcome. We will
- keep good adult clothing for the clothesbank;
- send good clothing for children and teenagers to “Togs from
Tots to Teens”;
- recycle clothes that are not suitable for either; we can raise money in this way.
Please take a collecting bag from the table at the top of the stairs or
ask a helper for one.
Do you have curtains to spare?
Starter Packs are desperately in need of curtains or material.
If anyone has spare curtains that they don't need, these would
be very much appreciated.
Cleaning and chair stacking
Caragh will be taking holiday this month, so cover is needed for her cleaning and chair-removal duties. Please assist in moving the chairs, if you are able, after worship throughout July.
Broughty Ferry Churches Group - Ferry Gala Week
The congregation of St James', the “Lifeboat Church”, will hold a Songs of Praise today at 6.30pm, with particular invitation to friends in the Churches Group to a “Churches Together” service. Our support is invited.
Manse Open Day
Our new circuit minister, Nik Wooller, is arriving in Blairgowrie on Tuesday 1st August. There will be an opportunity for all circuit members to see the Blairgowrie manse on Saturday 29th July from 11:00 to 14:00. If you can't manage at this time but would like to see the manse before it is occupied, please ring Sheila / Keith Pearson.
Safeguarding Training
Further training is now required for “all those who participated in the initial Safeguarding training 5 or more years ago”.
Sessions have been arranged as follows; all last from 2-4pm:
Tuesday 8 August | Perth |
Thursday 24 August | Perth |
Tuesday 5 September | Dundee |
Thursday 21 September | Dundee |
Please advise Marcia Mackenzie if you plan to attend one of these sessions. If you should be receiving this training, and none of these dates is suitable, please advise a Church Steward and/or contact Marcia Mackenzie; it is possible that an evening session can be arranged.
All are welcome - Safeguarding is the responsibility of each and every one of us.
Request for Prayers on 'Mission'
'Following on from the excellent District Prayer Diary that Jill Baker produced for us last year, I am hoping that we can have a similarly inspiring one this year. I invite you to submit prayers, meditations, stories and other reflections, particularly around 'mission'. This may be something that your church is involved with - at home or abroad - or it may be thoughts around the need for mission and our call to discipleship. I look forward to hearing back, either directly on smj4409@hotmail.co.uk or via Fiona at District Office, by the end of July. Many thanks. Sue Marshall-Jennings'
Local response to the Grenfell Tower Fire
The tragedy that took place at Grenfell Tower on 14 June has touched many hearts across the world.
The London District Chairs, the then President and Vice-President of the Conference and the Conference itself have all shared their grief and their prayers.
But it has been the work on the ground that should really be highlighted: the amazing support of local volunteers, Notting Hill Methodist Church and the Revd Mike Long.
At one of the prayer vigils Mike said: “There are times when all the words we can say are not adequate and sometimes words fail us because no words can do justice to how we feel, or what we have seen or what has happened.”
Three tonnes of food were donated and many more tonnes of clothes and toiletries, which have all been shared or are in the middle of being processed. Further donations of goods are not required, but money for those affected is still greatly appreciated.
As well as being a base for donations, holding prayer vigils and organising community action, the church has extended its opening hours for prayer, reflection and practical assistance from 9.00 in the morning until 7.00 at night Monday-Saturday - a true hub for the local community.
Many candles were lit and Mike later spoke of the importance of lighting candles as a sign not only of grieving but also of a faith that dares to hope.
For updates and information on how you can help, see the church website.
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Partnership is invited in July for work in Argentina.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- Bible Society of Cameroon's work with local churches to translate the Bible into Guidar;
- Bible Society of the Dominican Republic's Bible distribution to children and young people;
- Bible Society of Egypt's provision of 80,000 illustrated Bibles for children.
Prayer Points for this week
- the President of Conference's visit to Uganda for All We Can from Saturday;
- the Vice-President of Conference in the Southampton District next weekend;
- Circuit preparations for the Rev Nik Wooller's arrival;
- residents, staff and supporters in the Sheffield District (Methodist Homes);
- the Franciscan leaders of the Helen Keller School in Jerusalem (Embrace ME);
- South Africa - Tuesday is Nelson Mandela Day (Christian Aid);
- work in Papua New Guinea (MAF);
- Bible Society work in Argentina;
- work in north-east India (The Leprosy Mission);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Leeds (North and East) Circuit (Leeds District, soon to form part of the new Yorkshire West District) and in
Stirling (Central Scotland Circuit, soon to form part of the new Forth Valley Circuit).