02 July 2017
Next Sunday 9 July 2017
- 11 am
- Worship led by Mrs Judy Jarvis
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
We wish safe journeys and a period of good re-creation to those on holiday or preparing to go away. We ask that those travelling to Bulgaria convey our collective greetings to friends and people in Sevlievo and beyond.
Ministerial Cover in July
For Circuit matters please contact Keith Pearson in the first instance; for pastoral or wider issues, the Rev Dr David P Easton will be available.
Grenfell Tower Fund
£131.20 has been received so far; to be forwarded to the Methodist London District. Please give any further contributions to David Easson, Church Treasurer, today - thanks!
Methodist ClothesBank
Mondays 10am -12 noon (i/c Liz)
Thursdays 1pm - 3pm (i/c Sue)
Volunteers please contact Sue or Liz
More clothing is still needed; please have a good spring clean of
your wardrobes. Anything is welcome. We will
- keep good adult clothing for the clothesbank;
- send good clothing for children and teenagers to “Togs from
Tots to Teens”;
- recycle clothes that are not suitable for either; we can raise money in this way.
Please take a collecting bag from the table at the top of the stairs or
ask a helper for one.
Do you have curtains to spare?
Starter Packs are desperately in need of curtains or material.
If anyone has spare curtains that they don't need, these would
be very much appreciated.
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
The congregation of St James' will again be “opening their doors” during this week's Broughty Ferry Gala Week.
They will also hold a Songs of Praise today and next Sunday at 6.30pm, with particular invitation to friends in the Churches Group to a “Churches Together” service next Sunday.
Cleaning and chair stacking
Caragh will be taking holiday this month, so cover is needed for her cleaning and chair-removal duties. Please assist in moving the chairs, if you are able, after worship throughout July.
Methodist Prayer Handbook: 2017-18
Pam Bostock will send in a bulk order for this Handbook on behalf of all the Circuit's churches; please sign the list on the vestibule table if you wish to order a copy, or contact Jenny Easson. The cost for an ordinary print copy is £3.50 and for a large print copy £3.95 - the bulk order will be “post-free” and arrive in August.
Request for Prayers on 'Mission'
'Following on from the excellent District Prayer Diary that Jill Baker produced for us last year, I am hoping that we can have a similarly inspiring one this year. I invite you to submit prayers, meditations, stories and other reflections, particularly around 'mission'. This may be something that your church is involved with - at home or abroad - or it may be thoughts around the need for mission and our call to discipleship. I look forward to hearing back, either directly on smj4409@hotmail.co.uk or via Fiona at District Office, by the end of July. Many thanks. Sue Marshall-Jennings'
Safeguarding Training
Further training is now required for “all those who participated in the initial Safeguarding training 5 or more years ago”.
Sessions have been arranged as follows; all last from 2-4pm:
Tuesday 4 July | Arbroath |
Tuesday 8 August | Perth |
Thursday 24 August | Perth |
Tuesday 5 September | Dundee |
Thursday 21 September | Dundee |
Please advise Marcia Mackenzie if you plan to attend one of these sessions. If you should be receiving this training, and none of these dates is suitable, please advise a Church Steward and/or contact Marcia Mackenzie; it is possible that an evening session can be arranged.
All are welcome - Safeguarding is the responsibility of each and every one of us.
Support other Organisations
Eagles Wings seeking new premises
The Eagles Wings Group is going to have to move from its existing base in the next few months, and so they are seeking alternative premises. A brief summary of what they are looking for appears below.
If you are aware of any possibilities which might match their requirements, please contact Eagles Wings direct with any suggestions they might follow up.
“We currently operate from the old Elim church in Dudhope Crescent Road, but unfortunately have been told that we need to move out within the next 3 months. We have fairly specific needs - we need to be central, have a space big enough to hold approx 50 service users, a large kitchen, at least 2 offices and a parking space for our soup kitchen van.”
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Partnership is invited in July for work in Argentina.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- production of visual resources and material for deaf young people;
- organisation of football and volleyball tournaments by the Bible Society of Albania, in the context of Bible study;
- meeting of Roundtable Exchange Meeting of the United Bible Societies in Sydney, Australia;
- Engage event in Edinburgh Saturday.
Prayer Points for this week
- the Rev Loraine Mellor, President of Conference, and Mrs Jill Baker, Vice-President of Conference, at the start of their year in office;
- the Rev Michaela Youngson, President-designate, and Mr Bala Gnanapragasam, Vice-President-designate - more;
- the Rev Nik Wooller, preparing to move to the Scotland District and this Circuit;
- residents, staff and supporters in the Plymouth and Exeter District (Methodist Homes);
- Fairhaven School in Alexandria supporting children with learning disabilities (Embrace ME);
- International Day of Cooperatives 1st July (Christian Aid);
- workers at bases world-wide (MAF);
- Bible Society work in Argentina;
- local supporters (The Leprosy Mission);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Leeds (South and West) Circuit (Leeds District, soon to form part of the new Yorkshire West District) and in Girvan(Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Circuit).