01 January 2017
Next Sunday 8 January 2017
- 11 am
- Worship led by the Rev Major Stewart Young (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit)
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are
unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the
loss of loved ones.
Methodist ClothesBank - holiday opening
Please note that the ClothesBank will officially be open over
the New-Year holiday on Thursday 5th but not Monday 2nd.
Flower Rota
The rota for 2017 is now available from Elaine, to whom thanks
are expressed for undertaking this work.
Methodist Prayer Handbook 2017-18: contributions
The 2017/2018 Handbook will be entitled 'Jesus the First and
Last' and based on celebrating the Jesus of history, the Christ of
faith and our cosmic Lord; the first word and the last word, which
has not yet been spoken. This title comes from two hymns, 'Jesus,
the First and Last', by Charles Wesley and 'This, this is the God
we adore', by Joseph Hart.
Contributions of prayers are invited: these should not exceed
120 words or 12 lines and must be your copyright. Shorter prayers
and prayers for specific themes or countries are more likely to be used.
More information, and how to submit.
The deadline for submission is Thursday 12th January 2017.
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our prayerful attention is drawn to
- Bible Society of Malawi and Scripture Union providing 1,140 Family
Scripture Engagement Packs to promote family Bible reading;
- presentation of Bible stories to children “in a fun and
active way” by the Bible Society of Lebanon;
- Bible study seminars organised by the Bible Society of Armenia;
- provision of Scriptures in Latvian and Russian for hospital chaplaincies
to use with patients and medical personnel.
Tayside Re-Users
This registered charitable
organisation is based at
Units 1 & 2, South Dudhope Mill, 73-75
Douglas Street DD1 5AN. It aims to
- advance environmental protection and improvement through
waste reduction and recycling
- provision of unemployment relief through opportunities for skill-building and volunteering;
- promotion of education and awareness in sustainable use of resources.
To know more, ask Liz; phone (01382) 228986 or 228806;
see the
website. There is a membership form on the noticeboard
in library area.
Prayer Points for this week
- the Methodist Presidency and the Connexional Team;
- New Year among Scotland's Methodists;
- work in the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District (Methodist Homes);
- Christians throughout the Middle East (Embrace);
- refugees, migrants, homeless people (Christian Aid);
- Bible Society work in Uzbekistan;
- work in north central India (The Leprosy Mission);
- work in Papua New Guinea (MAF);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Egypt, Israel, Palestine,
Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the
Lancashire West Circuit (Liverpool District) and in
Orkney, Fair Isle and Shetland (Shetland District).