Dundee Methodist Church

12 February 2017

Next Sunday
19 February 2017

11 am
Worship, including Holy Communion, conducted by the Rev Nick Baker
Communion Offering (via plate at the door before and after worship) for Methodist Homes

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Methodist ClothesBank

Mondays 10am -12 noon (i/c Liz)

Thursdays 1pm - 3pm (i/c Sue)

  • More volunteers are needed - a minimum of 3 persons per session is really the basic; please contact Sue or Liz beforehand if you can help on a Monday or Thursday.
  • Please continue the search for suitable clothing from yourselves (and family & friends!) - Sue's contact with “Togs from Tots to Teens” has indicated an outlet to which we can pass on children's clothing and accessories.
  • An “open session” will be held between 5pm and 7pm on Tuesday 21st February to facilitate the dropping off / handing-in of clothing items.

Preaching Plan

The Plan for March-May is being circulated by email; some print copies will be available from the vestibule table. To have your name added to the list to receive either email or hard copies regularly, please advise David Easson.

Church Council résumé

At Wednesday's meeting business included updates and reports on property upkeep & development, Link Club, ClothesBank, finance, stewards' meetings items, pastoral care, with tribute to 'tricia Laurie, Safeguarding, worship, Circuit and District contexts and appointments.

The following points arose and were agreed.

  • during Lent, “All We Can”booklets will be provided for individuals for personal use, as well as forming the basis of Sunday worship;
  • a large mural (a gift to the church from Larry Jennings), depicting two figures with the message “All for All” will be fixed to the church exterior, with a thematic link to the window display;
  • the General Church Meeting will be held on Sunday 4th June; worship will start at 10.30am with the aim of finishing the General Church Meeting by 1pm
  • We are increasingly using email for contact, consultation and decision-making, rather than formal meetings of committees or groups, though these still have their proper role. Guidelines for its use will be drawn up.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday, 16th February, 12.00noon St Mary's Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Prayer Service for Persecuted Christians; if you wish, please bring food for a shared meal together after.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Partnership is invited in February for work in Cuba. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • work by the Bible Society, churches and local communities in Gabon to translate the Old Testament into the Yinzerbi language spoken in 5 regions;
  • provision of Bibles and resources for teachers and libraries by the Bible Society of the Republic of Macedonia, also provision of New Testaments to pupils;
  • translation of the New Testament into the Konabere language of Mali;
  • partnership between the Bible Society of Pakistan and churches to offer literacy classes for women in rural areas, also provision of large print New Testaments.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday, 20th February, 7.30pm Stirling Methodist Church, Queen Street 'Not in our backyard - not in their market garden'. Dr Julia Edwards, a mission partner of the Methodist Church, has been working with the Pacific Conference of Church as a climate researcher. The meeting is co-hosted by Stirling Methodist Church and Friends of the Earth - Stirling. More information.
Tuesday, 21st February, 5pm to 7pm Dundee Methodist Church Church open for dropping off / handing-in clothing items for the ClothesBank.
Saturday, 25th March, 10am to 3.30pm Stirling Methodist Church, Queen Street District Safeguarding Support Day. It is important that every church and circuit has sufficient representation there; if you wish to know more about the Day or to attend yourself, please let Sue (as Safeguarding Officer) or any Church Steward know. More details.
Saturday, 13th May, 11am to 3pm City of Edinburgh Methodist Church (Nicolson Square) Methodist Women in Britain District Fellowship Day. The Speaker will be the Rev Jackie Bellfield on the theme “O fill my cup - overflowing with love”.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President of Conference on the Isle of Wight next weekend;
  • Methodist Women in Britain Forum next weekend;
  • the Chair and Secretary of the Scotland Synod;
  • refurbishment in Scott Street church, Perth;
  • work in the Birmingham District (Methodist Homes);
  • healthcare in isolated rural communities in Egypt by Christian Medical Fellowship (Embrace ME);
  • effects of climate change in Bangladesh, Mali and Bolivia (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Cuba;
  • work in Nepal and Uzbekistan (The Leprosy Mission);
  • work in South Sudan (MAF);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Austria, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Liverpool City Centre (Liverpool District) and all in Rosyth Ecumenical Partnership (Edinburgh and Forth Circuit).