27 August 2017
Next Sunday 3 September 2017
Covenant Service
- 11 am
- United Worship, including the Covenant Service with Communion, conducted by the Rev Nick Baker
- Communion Offering (plate inside door upstairs) for All We Can (formerly known as the Methodist Relief and Development Fund)
- 3pm
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Circuit Service of Welcome
The Service to formally welcome the Rev Nik Wooller to the Circuit will be held today at 3pm in Scott Street Methodist Church, Perth. We are all very warmly invited to show our support for and to meet Nik.
Methodist Prayer Handbooks 2017-18
The supply has now arrived in the Circuit and should be available in Dundee next Sunday. The cost of each book is £3.50, to be given to Jenny Easson in due course.
It has been Methodist practice since the time of John Wesley to hold this annual Service in which we are invited to remember our calling as the people of God and to renew our commitment to God's service. This Service also includes the celebration of Holy Communion in which all are invited to participate as they wish.
Communion Offerings
It is Methodist Communion practice, again of long standing, to invite contributions in support of those less fortunate. In Dundee contributions are now invited via a plate inside the upstairs door. These offerings are allocated each month, by Church Council decision, to different Methodist or other charities. There is no compulsion or pressure to support this Offering - it is matter of individual decision and choice.
Methodist ClothesBank
Mondays 10am -12 noon (i/c Liz)
Thursdays 1pm - 3pm (i/c Sue)
- new Volunteers please contact Sue or Liz
- donations of clothing welcome
- 'Rag bag' collection point: table at top of stairs - recycle and fund-raise!
- Starter Packs are desperately in need of curtains or material: spare curtains no longer needed by you would be very much appreciated.
Circuit Preaching Plan
The Plan for September-November has been circulated by email with some printed copies also available on the vestibule table. Please let David Easson know if you wish your name to be added to either list for regular distribution.
Joint URC-Methodist Services in Dundee
These are indicated on the Plan; they follow a pattern of “worship together” every other Sunday, with 5 held in Marketgait and 2 in the URC Salem Church (Salem Street off Constitution Road, above North Marketgait).
The next meeting of the Methodist-URC Group will be in Salem on Wednesday 8th November. Please pass any comments or suggestions to Nick Baker, Jenny Easson or Sue Marshall-Jennings to enable conversation which will include an assessment of experiences hitherto and any possible “next steps” in the process of getting to know each other and growing & working together.
Safeguarding Training
New arrangements are still being agreed and will be notified in due course.
Copies of the new Autumn catalogue are now available on the vestibule table. Please take one away, and return to Margaret with your order!
Sierra Leone
Following the recent extreme flooding and a mudslide, near Freetown, which has led to more than 300 confirmed deaths, hundreds of people still missing and thousands made homeless, the President of the Conference, the Revd Loraine N Mellor, called on the Methodist people to join in prayer for the people of Sierra Leone.
If you would like to make a donation toward the relief effort, the World Church Relationships Team and All We Can are collecting funds to be passed directly to our partners in the area.
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Partnership is invited in August for work in Iraq and in September for work in Bolivia.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- new translation of the New Testament into contemporary Slovenian under the title Life with Jesus;
- SBS Appeal in support of the work of the Bible Society of Jordan among refugees;
- translation of the Old Testament into the Lama language by the Bible Society of Togo;
- Bible Society of Bolivia's provision of Jesus is my Friend story books with pencils and notebooks, for up to 10,000 children;
- provision by the Bible Society of Chile of on-going trauma healing training and practical help following the destructive fire this year.
Prayer Points for this week
- the President of Conference at Welcome Services in Nottingham and Derby, Wednesday and Thursday;
- the Connexional Team and all Ministers changing stations, at the start of the Methodist Year;
- the Rev Nik Wooller, her ministry in the Scotland District and in this Circuit;
- annual Church of Scotland Guild Meeting, in Dundee;
- residents, staff, projects and supporters in the south-east of England (Methodist Homes);
- Society of St Yves working to tackle injustices faced by the Palestinian and vulnerable Arab communities in East Jerusalem (Embrace ME);
- World Day of Prayer for Care for Creation (1 September), also Tools for Transformation, Portsmouth (Christian Aid);
- work in South Sudan (MAF);
- Bible Society work in Iraq and in Bolivia;
- regional work (The Leprosy Mission);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Central Norfolk Circuit (East Anglia District) and in Portessie (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).