Dundee Methodist Church

11 September 2016

Next Sunday
18 September 2016
Doors Open Day

11 am
Worship led by Mrs Sue Marshall-Jennings

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Work to remedy drainage and incoming water problems

On Sunday 25th September there will be NO public worship or access to our premises, in view of health and safety factors. It is suggested that our congregation joins that of our neighbours in Meadowside St Paul's for worship at 11am.

Clothing Bank- Latest

Following on from the meeting last week, conversations / training have been arranged for those wishing to help out with the clothes bank:

  • Nick will be present at church from 9:30am on Monday 12th September to start sorting clothes and arranging space etc.
  • Thursday Sept 15th 1pm-3pm Ken Linton from Dundee Foodbanks will join us.
  • Monday Sept 19th 10am-11am Ross from Faith in Dundee will share some information about 'signposting' - ie what else is available in Dundee and how to access it.
  • It is intended that the clothes bank will run on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons. People will attend via referral from Dundee City Council.

Keep praying!

Amendment to Preaching Plan

The service on Sunday 20th November will now be led by Mrs Beryl Cowling, as the formal “Trial Service” required at the end of her training period.

Trusted tradesmen

The Circuit Manse Committee is compiling a list of 'trusted tradesmen'. If you know of anyone you can recommend, please contact Dennis or Keith / Sheila.

Doors Open Weekend

Marketgait will be taking part in the Dundee Doors Open Weekend on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September.

The suggested opening hours are

  • Saturday 10am to 3pm
  • Sunday 12.30am to 3pm - with public worship as usual at 11am.

Our entry in the programme refers to displays and refreshments. Sue Marshall-Jennings will be very grateful to know of people who are then available, able and willing to help - just having people on hand to generally chat to visitors can be useful!

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 12th September, 9.30am Dundee Methodist Church Preparatory work for Clothes Bank
Thursday 15th September, 1pm - 3pm Dundee Methodist Church Clothes Bank training - Ken Linton from Dundee Foodbanks.
Thursday 15th September, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Meeting
Saturday 17th, 10am to 3pm and Sunday 18th September, 12.30pm to 3pm Dundee Methodist Church Open Doors Weekend

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in September for work in Algeria.

Our prayerful attention is drawn in coming weeks to

  • provision of material in Latvian and Russian to hospital chaplaincies in Latvia;
  • partnership to provide Proclaimers in local languages in the Gambia;
  • visual translation of the newly revised Hungarian Bible for deaf people;
  • provision of 378 copies of The School Chaplains Handbook and 6,000 Bibles by the Bible Society of Rwanda;
  • material for single mothers in Honduras;
  • Iranian Bible Society in Diaspora working with SAT-7 to reach Farsi- speakers;
  • the work of Bible Societies in Guatemala, Serbia, Iraq, Swaziland, Jordan, and Peru.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 19th September, 10am - 11am Dundee Methodist Church Clothes Bank training. Ross from Faith in Dundee will share some information about 'signposting' - ie what else is available in Dundee and how to access it.
Thursday 22nd September, 10.30am Dundee Methodist Church, “B” Finance & Property Committee
Thursday 28th September, 2.30pm - note amended date! Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Worship Consultation
Saturday, 8th October, 2pm Rosyth Methodist Church Methodist History in Scotland. A Meeting for all interested in forming or joining a Scotland District Heritage Group.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President and the Vice-President of Conference in the Channel Islands, at party political conferences;
  • District Chairs' Meeting, Connexional Leaders' Forum;
  • District Superintendents' Day, Wed 14th Sept;
  • ACTS Members' Meeting, Coatbridge, 14th-15th Sept;
  • work in the Leeds District (Methodist Homes);
  • work in Mongolia (MAF);
  • Kenya, El Salvador, and Bangladesh (Christian Aid);
  • Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation's hospital at Beit Jala, West Bank (Embrace);
  • Bible Society work in Algeria;
  • work in Botswana, D R Congo, Zambia; Indonesia, Timor Leste, and Papua New Guinea (The Leprosy Mission);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Yugoslavia (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Whaley Bridge Uniting Partnership (Manchester and Stockport District) and in Peterhead (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).