Dundee Methodist Church

4 September 2016

Next Sunday
11 September 2016

11 am
Worship led by Rev Major Stewart Young

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
We extend a warm welcome to anyone moving to live in this area or coming here for a shorter time for work or study; please introduce yourself to us and, if you wish, sign the Visitors' Book by the stairs, giving any contact details you may wish to provide.

Work to remedy drainage and incoming water problems - important update

Arrangements are now in place for DynoRod to undertake the necessary work to our premises on Sunday 25th September and we are all asked to note the following

  • there will be NO public worship in Marketgait that day, in view of health and safety factors - it is suggested that our congregation joins that of our neighbours in Meadowside St Paul's for worship at 11am;
  • the harvest celebration indicated on the Plan will be the theme of the “Local Arrangement” service on Sunday 9th October;
  • Sue Marshall-Jennings will be in Marketgait to liaise with DynoRod - Keith Pearson is to take her preaching appointment in Montrose.

If there are any other implications of this for you or further information is required, please consult Sue Marshall-Jennings or another Church Steward.

Trusted tradesmen

The Circuit Manse Committee is compiling a list of 'trusted tradesmen'. If you know of anyone you can recommend, please contact Dennis or Keith / Sheila.

Preaching Plan September - November

The Plan for the next Quarter has been distributed electronically and some printed copies are available on the glass-topped table.

If you wish your name to be added to the list for either an electronic or printed Plan each Quarter, please let David Easson know. Please also tell him if more printed copies are required on the table.

Clothing Bank - update

“Conversations about development of a clothing bank are progressing.

  • Working in partnership with the Dundee City Council and Faith in Dundee, we aim to run a couple of sessions per week.
  • Customers will be referred direct from the Council, and training will take place for volunteers.
  • Initially, we will need to spend some time organising the space (sofas, chairs, clothes etc).
  • We will need a minimum of 2 volunteers per session.

There will be a short meeting after the service today to gather names and arrange this.

Please pray about this. Nick”

Doors Open Weekend

Marketgait will be taking part in the Dundee Doors Open Weekend on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September.

The suggested opening hours are

  • Saturday 10am to 3pm
  • Sunday 12.30am to 3pm - with public worship as usual at 11am.

Our entry in the programme refers to displays and refreshments. Sue Marshall-Jennings will be very grateful to know of people who are then available, able and willing to help - just having people on hand to generally chat to visitors can be useful!

Brochures are now available on the vestibule table - please take a copy for yourself and some to pass to others.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 6th September, 2pm Dundee Methodist Church, upstairs Circuit Leadership Team
Wednesday 7th September, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church Circuit Preachers' Meeting

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in September for work in Algeria.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • Bible Society in Ethiopia encouraging young people to see the relevance of the Bible in their lives;
  • meeting of the SBS Board on Thursday;
  • use of audio portions of the Bible by the Bible Society of Gabon to counteract the effects of illiteracy and limited access to the Bible;
  • preparation and use of DVDs of God's Word in sign language, produced by the Philippine Bible Society.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 15th September, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church Circuit Meeting
Saturday 16th, 10am to 3pm and Sunday 17th September, 12.30pm to 3pm Dundee Methodist Church Open Doors Weekend
Saturday, 8th October, 2pm Rosyth Methodist Church Methodist History in Scotland. A follow-up meeting to the visit of Dr Jill Barber to the District earlier this year.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President and the Vice-President of Conference at Connexional New Year services today and Tuesday;
  • European Methodist Council meeting in Portugal;
  • follow-up to the District Synod in Inverness;
  • the members and work of the Circuit Manse Committee;
  • residents and staff in East Anglia (Methodist Homes);
  • work in Papua New Guinea (MAF);
  • displaced people and refugees (Christian Aid);
  • training schemes for women in Lebanon (Embrace);
  • Bible Society work in Algeria;
  • work in south-east India (The Leprosy Mission);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Buxton Circuit (Manchester and Stockport District) and in Aberdeen (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).