Dundee Methodist Church

30 October 2016

Next Sunday
6 November 2016

11 am
Worship, including Holy Communion, conducted by the Rev Nick Baker
Communion Offering (on entry) for Tayforth Veterans

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Harvest - “All We Can”

Envelopes are available on the vestibule table and may be returned in the offering plate in coming weeks. The total so far is £141; please hand in any remaining envelopes by Sunday 6th November, as a cheque will be sent thereafter.

Methodist ClothesBank

Sessions will take place on

  • Mondays 10am -12 noon, led by Liz
  • Thursdays 1pm - 3pm, led by Sue

Sessions will commence on Monday 31st October.

If you are able to be on the premises at both / either sessions (not necessarily every week), please contact Sue with details so rotas can be prepared.

Volunteers are not necessarily asked to be closely involved unless they so wish; it is advised that at least 3 persons be on the premises for security purposes and, if possible with a 'gender mix'.

Bible Reading Notes

Fresh from the Word 2017 bible reading notes are now available.

  • Books cost around £10 - depends on the numbers for postage.
  • Digital copies for Kindle can be bought through Amazon only.
  • Other digital formats can be ordered for £7.20 from shop.christianeducation.org.uk.

If you wish to order a book, please sign the list on the table at the top of the stairs, or let Margaret know by email or otherwise.

The Communion Offering in November each year is allocated on a 3-year rota basis - one year to the Earl Haig Fund and the other two to charities linked with the effects of armed conflict and / or support for victims.

This year the designated charity is the Tayforth Veterans Project (SC042236) based in Dundee.

The Tayforth Veterans Project, founded in 2011 by a former member of the Royal Navy, is dedicated to “provide information and a signpost service to help veterans and their families overcome issues and better integrate back into their communities. The Charity operates a drop-in centre which provides support to ex-Service personnel and their families in accessing professional and specialised advice on a broad range of issues, including mental health, housing, employment and re-training, benefits, pensions and other welfare matters.”

Conflict in Syria - bombardment of Aleppo

A Statement, signed by Church Leaders, calling for a cessation of the bombardment of Aleppo in Syria, has been issued on behalf of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church in Wales, the Church of Scotland, Quakers in Britain, the Methodist Church, and the United Reformed Church.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 1st November 2016, 10am Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Pastoral Committee

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in October for work in Uganda and in November for work in Peru.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • production of a children's book in Hebrew about the Gospel story by the Bible Society in Israel;
  • literacy classes in Peru for Quechua speakers;
  • translation of the Kiha New Testament in Tanzania;
  • the Bible Society in the Gulf training 40 Filipino church leaders.

Copies of the latest issue of 'Alive and Active' are now here and some spare copies are on the vestibule table. If you wish to receive a copy regularly, let Jenny Easson know.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday, 12th November, 9.30am (10am start) - 4pm Dundee Methodist Church Listening in Pastoral Care - a day course particularly relevant for all involved with pastoral care in a church context - this could include Pastoral Visitors, Church Stewards, Preachers and all who are involved with or concerned about the well-being of others.
The Day will be facilitated by Listen Well Scotland, a registered Charity (SC044382); it will be interactive and based round experience, with opportunity to work in pairs and small groups, in a safe and confidential setting.
The purpose of the Day includes thinking on
  • understanding of the connection between good listening and health & well-being;
  • consideration of what is “Pastoral Care”
  • awareness of the importance of listening to people's stories;
  • introduction to skills of active listening;
  • recognition of the importance of listening to self and to God;
  • reflection on what it means to be authentic.

Soup & filled rolls provided (or bring packed lunch) - drinks available.
Please consider coming yourself and / or encourage others to do so where appropriate. Sue Marshall-Jennings needs to know if you are coming by Monday 7th November.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President and Vice-President of Conference at the Navigating Change Conference, Stoke-on-Trent;
  • Stationing Matching Group 1, Monday - Thursday;
  • District Probationers Committee, Dunblane, Thursday;
  • the Circuit Invitation Committee;
  • work in North Lancashire (Methodist Home);
  • Beit el Nour's welcome to and work with traumatised Syrian refugee children (Embrace);
  • Big Church Switch to renewable energy campaign (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Uganda and in Peru;
  • work in Madagascar (MAF);
  • work in west India (The Leprosy Mission);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Shaw and Royton Circuit (Manchester and Stockport District) and in Findochty (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).