2 October 2016
Next Sunday 9 October 2016
- 11 am
- Harvest Worship, Local Arrangement, using material from All we Can
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Methodist ClothesBank
Much work has been done and progress made on this
long-term venture in our premises:
- rails and other equipment have been obtained and useful contacts
made within Dundee and its area;
- stocks of clothing continue to arrive, requiring sorting,
hanging and creation of storage space;
- appeal is made for “good quality” clothing
and more volunteers (chat to your friends!);
- training for volunteers has taken place: information can be
passed to others.
Sessions will take place on
- Mondays 10am -12 noon, led by Liz
- Thursdays 1pm - 3pm, led by Sue
Sessions will commence on Monday 31st October.
We need 2 further volunteers for each of these sessions.
If you are able to be on the premises at both / either of those sessions,
please sign the sheet today or contact Sue so rotas can be prepared.
Volunteers are not necessarily asked to be closely involved unless
they so wish: we are advised that at least 3 persons should be on the premises
for security purposes and, if possible with a 'gender mix'.
Work on Drains
Dyno-Rod undertook a long and thorough investigation and
clearing of all the drainage system in our premises; we now have
a clearer idea of the system and better-functioning sinks and pipes.
The bills for the scaffolding and work done have been settled; the drains
will be inspected and cleared by Dyno-Rod annually from now on.
Warm thanks are expressed to all who have striven long and
hard to achieve this, especially to Sue and Graham for
their patience on a very long day last Sunday.
The future of our premises
The Property and Finance Committee proposed and Church
Council agreed the following:
- Marketgait is the place to be.
- We appoint an architect to do a feasibility study on remodelling the
front of building to incorporate stairs and a lift and also to create
disabled-access toilets and baby changing facilities.
- A handrail is to be installed, as soon as possible, to assist access
to upstairs.
We hope that the alterations can be done in stages,
and on a manageable scale. For more details, please ask members of
the Finance and Property Committee
or Church Council.
Mission Statement
The Church Stewards, using
suggestions made at the General Church Meeting,
proposed the new wording below. It was adopted by the Church
Council for immediate use:
We are a group of people
of different ages, cultures, nationalities,
bound together by our common desire
to discover and share,
through worship and service in the community,
the love of Jesus Christ which is for all people.
A supply of laminated cards will be prepared for handout, as
appropriate, including this Statement, a concise introduction to
“Methodism”, and contact details.
Church Council résumé - other items
In addition to considering items detailed above, the Council also discussed / agreed
- update on Circuit news, including outline timetable for Stationing process;
- new cleaner / chair-person;
- November Communion Offering to be allocated to
Tayforth Veterans
this year;
- reports from Church Stewards, Church Treasurer, Pastoral Committee,
Safeguarding Officer, and the Link Club;
- we will register for Mission in Britain
Sunday during Advent;
- public worship will be held in Marketgait on Sundays 25th
December and 1st January;
- 'Doors Open' feedback;
- Open Christian Aid meeting in Broughty Ferry on Wednesday
26th October (see poster);
- workshop on “Listening” with open invitation
but especially to Preachers, Pastoral Visitors, Stewards in Marketgait
Sat 12th November;
- Next Council - Wednesday 8th February at 7pm;
- General Church Meeting - Sunday 4th June at 10.45am.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Saturday, 8th October, 2pm
Rosyth Methodist Church |
Methodist History in Scotland. A
meeting for all interested in forming or joining a
Scotland District Heritage Group. |
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in October for work in Uganda.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- provision of Scripture in Braille in Uganda;
- translation of Bible into Chikunda in Zimbabwe.
Prayer Points for this week
- the President of Conference at an Ecumenical Gathering in Rome;
the Vice-President at the Conservative Party conference, Monday-Tuesday;
Methodist Women in Britain District Day, Saturday;
- the Circuit's Plan-making Team;
- work in the Lincoln and Grimsby District (Methodist Homes);
- work in Arnhem Land, northern Australia (MAF);
- work of
RAADA in Afghanistan (Christian Aid);
CEOSS mobile ophthalmology clinics visiting poor
and rural communities in Egypt (Embrace);
- Bible Society work in Uganda;
- staff & supporters (The Leprosy Mission);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the
Romiley Circuit (Manchester and Stockport District) and in
Buckie (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).