Dundee Methodist Church

8 May 2016

Next Sunday
15 May 2016

11 am
Worship led by Professor John Sawkins (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit)

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
We send best wishes to all who are about to or are currently sitting exams; we also remember their families and others supporting them.

Free Tickets for Solas Festival: The Bield, Blackruthven

The Solas Festival takes place Friday 17th - Sunday 19th June; there will be a Methodist tent. Free Tickets are available for young people accompanied by leaders, and also for volunteers. Follow the links for more details.

New book published by Malcom Rothwell

... my latest book was published [recently]. It is entitled 'Running the Race, finding God in the London marathon.' It is very short but the exercises and points to ponder will take a little longer. It can be bought in bookshops or Amazon (also the kindle version) - and from me - £5.99. Why not treat yourself - and buy a present for someone!

- Rev. Malcolm Rothwell

“In Touch”

The latest edition of the District newsletter is now available in print and online (www.methodistchurchinscotland.net) and includes an article, written by Graham Pickthall, on the Marketgait-Bulgaria worship link via Skype. Please uplift a copy from the vestibule table and take a copy for anyone unable to come to our premises.

Core Skills Training for ministry with Children and Families

Training sessions, free to Methodists, will be held on Saturdays

  • May 7th - Glasgow
  • May 21st - Perth
  • June 4th - Glasgow
  • June 25th - Edinburgh

See Flyer for content of each session (they differ), and booking information.

Worship Consultation Résumé

At the meeting on Thursday, conversation included the following

  • Café Service on May 29th which will include Baptism;
  • topic for the Café Service on 31st July;
  • arrangements for children and young people during worship;
  • allocation of Communion Offerings given the possibility of fewer monthly Communion services;
  • dates for services on future Plans
    • 4th September - Covenant
    • 25th September - Harvest
  • next meeting of Worship Consultation - Thursday 6th October at 2pm.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work in Scotland.

Our prayerful attention this week is drawn to

  • Palestinian Bible Society outreach to children and young people through fun days, conferences, camps, puppet shows ….;
  • production of the first Romani Children's Bible by the Bible Society of Serbia;
  • United Bible Societies (UBS) World Assembly in Philadelphia, USA;
  • production of translation of the New Testament for young people by the Bible Society in Georgia;
  • promotion of Bible reading in Mali;
  • Summer Church-wide Bible Competition in Egypt and Bible Society outreach to 9-12 year old children there.


A letter of thanks for our donation to the work of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, has been received, together with a copy of ssafanews. Their letter is on the porch noticeboard and the booklet on the vestibule table.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Friday 20th May 2016, 9am to 1pm The Steeple, Nethergate Final launch event of the Dundee Fairness Commission Report. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Commission's recommendations cover all aspects of poverty and inequality, and the Commission wishes a broad range of partners and people in Dundee to hear about
  • the effects of poverty and income inequality on people in Dundee;
  • stories of real hardship;
  • its recommendations;
  • initial responses to the recommendations.

To register or to indicate particular needs email dundee.partnership@dundeecity.gov.uk or phone 01382 433691.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President of Conference at the Pentecost Celebration, Cumbria District, next week;
  • preparations for the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland later this month;
  • “ministry of flowers” in the Circuit's 5 congregations;
  • residents, staff and supporters in Scotland (Methodist Homes);
  • preparations for Christian Aid Week (Christian Aid);
  • Christian Medical Fellowship's work in rural areas of Egypt (Embrace);
  • Bible Society work in Scotland.
  • promotional work in Europe (The Leprosy Mission);
  • work in Indonesia (MAF);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Kenya and Tanzania (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Sunderland Circuit (Newcastle upon Tyne District) and in East Kilbride (Strathclyde Circuit).