Dundee Methodist Church

31 July 2016

Next Sunday
7 August 2016

11 am
Worship led by the Rev Grahame Lockhart

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Circuit Ministerial cover

Until Monday 15th August please contact Sue Marshall-Jennings about Circuit business or ministerial pastoral care.

Children in worship

On Sundays in July and August children may use the table at the rear of the worship area; material will be supplied for quiet activities. There will be no rota of adults to oversee children at the table or provide activities downstairs. Adults who bring children will be responsible for them throughout worship; if they wish, they may use the chairs at the head of the stairs for “quiet story telling”.

Preaching Plan September - November

The Plan for the next Quarter has been distributed electronically and some printed copies are available on the glass-topped table.

If you wish your name to be added to the list for either an electronic or printed Plan each Quarter, please let David Easson know. Please also tell him if more printed copies are required on the table.

Worship on Sunday 9th October

Please note that the Plan indicates Sunday 9th October as a Local Arrangement. This means that responsibility for the act of worship does not lie with an Appointed Preacher but with the local congregation. The Circuit Preachers' Meeting identified Stewards and the Worship Consultation as best placed to take this forward in Dundee, with other appropriate support.

Scotland District Prayer Diary

As part of a proposal to expand and develop the District Prayer List with a general “One Mission” focus, Jill Baker (Glasgow, District “One Mission” rep to the Connexion) has sent a request for prayer material for possible inclusion in an expanded Diary. This material might relate to local church activities, mission / outreach, overseas links, etc, possibly with photographs. Deadline - Sunday 31st July.

Open Doors Weekend

After consultation, it was decided that Marketgait should again participate in the Dundee Doors Open Weekend on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September.

The suggested opening hours are

  • Saturday 10am to 3pm
  • Sunday 12.30am to 3pm - with public worship as usual at 11am.

The proposed entry in the programme refers to displays and refreshments; to see the proposed wording, please consult a Church Steward. Sue Marshall-Jennings is receiving any comments or suggestions about the wording and / or our participation in the Weekend. She also will be very grateful to know of people who are then available, able and willing to help - just having people on hand to generally chat to visitors can be useful!

Methodist Conference volunteers

Every year many volunteers help in providing the smooth running of Conference; in London this year more than 50 people came from across the country to help.

Volunteers assist in many ways - as stewards, drivers, in the media, on help desks, as runners, etc….

If this appeals and you would like more information about volunteering for next year's Conference in Birmingham, contact Carole Booth on caroleabooth@hotmail.com

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in July for work in the Dominican Republic and in August for work in Pakistan.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • Bible Society of Pakistan's holistic ministry project and use of the 'Miracles of Christ' booklet;
  • translation of the Old Testament into Lele by the Bible Society of Chad;
  • all who have been affected by natural disasters in Chile, and also for the Bible Society and churches in their relief, support & rehabilitation work.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 20th August, 2pm Victoria Park, Arbroath, at the cliff entrance Our friends in St John's Methodist Church invite all circuit church members, their family and friends to a barbecue.
Please sign the paper on the vestibule table by Sunday August 14th or advise a Church Steward if you hope to attend, as approximate numbers are required for catering.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President of Conference, the Rev Dr Roger Walton, and the Vice-President, Rachel Lampard;
  • Methodist ministers “sitting down”, & their families;
  • the Circuit's Leadership Team and preachers;
  • work on the Channel Islands (Methodist Homes);
  • Bible Society work in the Dominican Republic and in Pakistan;
  • Cactus's support of the rights of workers in the flower industry in Colombia (Christian Aid);
  • Swedish International Relief Association School in Bethlehem supporting children with specific learning difficulties (Embrace);
  • work in Democratic Republic of Congo and in Lesotho (MAF);
  • work in Bhutan and Nepal (The Leprosy Mission);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of The Caribbean (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Hyde and Denton Circuit (Manchester and Stockport District) and in Stirling (Central Scotland Circuit).