10 July 2016
Next Sunday 17 July 2016
- 11 am
- Worship led by the Rev Dr Gerald Bostock
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Methodist Homes
Envelopes are still available on the vestibule table for donations;
please return via the offering plate in coming weeks.
Children in worship
On Sundays in July and August children may use the table
at the rear of the worship area; material will be supplied for quiet
activities. There will be no rota of adults to oversee children
at the table or provide activities downstairs. Adults who bring
children will be responsible for them throughout worship; if
they wish, they may use the chairs at the head of the stairs
for “quiet story telling”.
Prayer Handbook 2016-17: orders
The new Prayer Handbook, “Freedoms to Share”,
will be published on 1st August and Pam Bostock has again offered
to place a bulk Circuit order. Standard print copies are priced
£3.50, large print are £3.95 (P&P free for
more than 10 copies). Please sign the sheet on the vestibule
table or let Jenny Easson know by 10th July if you wish to order a copy.
Scotland District Prayer Diary
As part of a proposal to expand and develop the
District Prayer List with a general
“One Mission” focus,
Jill Baker (Glasgow, District “One Mission” rep to the
Connexion) has sent a request for prayer material for possible inclusion
in an expanded Diary. This material might relate to local church
activities, mission / outreach, overseas links, etc, possibly with
photographs. Deadline - Sunday 31st July.
Appointment of part-time presbyter in Circuit
Following proposals and discussions in the District and Circuit, the Connexion has agreed to fund a 5-year post from 1st September 2017; in addition to part-time duties as a Presbyter in this Circuit, the postholder will work with fellowship groups and Methodists in the District distant from a Methodist society.
Our Circuit Invitation Committee now requires to draw up a profile
for agreement by the September Circuit Meeting and use in the
Stationing process for 2017.
It is important that the 5 congregations in the Circuit are all
involved in the thinking underpinning the profile, so all members
are invited to comment, during July, on the following aspects,
in particular:
- expectations about the Presbyter's “Circuit role” in
areas such as
- pastoral charge,
- preaching,
- in-put / effect of experience from their other area of responsibility
- relationship with the Superintendent and other
office-holders in the Circuit
- manse provision
- balance between being “prescriptive”
and “flexible”
The Circuit Invitation Committee will be meeting, in due course, with Church Stewards to consider the views of the Circuit's people on these and possibly other Circuit-related aspects of this appointment.
Dundee Church Stewards plan to meet later in July to consider this (and also General Church Meeting items); our representatives to the Circuit Meeting (Lorna & 'tricia) and other members of the Circuit Meeting similarly have an interest in hearing comments.
Printed copies of an extract from the Rev Nick Baker's letter to the
Stewards are available on the vestibule table with information / suggestions on the various aspects to be considered; contact Jenny Easson for an electronic version.
The letter concludes
“Finally, I ask for your prayers at this time.
I encourage you to reflect together and pray about the next steps.
In a period of uncertainty for the whole country it is more important than ever that we are prepared to offer the gift of peace and reconciliation amongst our communities…..
Methodist Conference decision on Marriage
Following the extensive Connexional-wide consultation process,
Conference has directed “that a new Statement on marriage
and relationships be prepared and that, as a part of that process,
the definition of marriage should be revisited” -
Press Release.
This means that the Church is to reconsider how its understanding of
marriage should be expressed - not necessarily that there will be a change of
definition, but a re-examination over a period of reflection.
Meetings this week
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in July for
work in the Dominican Republic. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- SBS Bible Lands Team display of works of art in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth, on the themes of peace and reconciliation;
- Bible Society of Brazil's truck providing Scripture material, also medical, dental and social assistance under the Light in Brazil project.
Prayer Points for this week
- President-designate of Conference, the Rev Loraine Mellor, and the Vice-President Designate, Jill Baker;
- induction of the new Moderator of the Scotland Synod of the United Reformed
Church, in Glasgow, Saturday;
- the Circuit Property Committee;
- Bible Society work in the Dominican Republic;
RNDDH campaigning for human rights in Haiti (Christian Aid);
- residents and staff in Wales (Methodist Homes);
- work in Uganda (MAF);
- Helen Keller School, Jerusalem (Embrace);
- work in north East India (The Leprosy Mission);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the
Newcastle Central & East Circuit (Newcastle upon Tyne District) and in
Barrhead (Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Circuit).