Dundee Methodist Church

28 February 2016

Next Sunday
6 March 2016
Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday

11 am
Worship led by the Rev Dr Gerald Bostock

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

World Day of Prayer

On the first Friday of March each year Christian women world-wide invite everyone to join in the World Day of Prayer. This year's material has been prepared by our sisters in Cuba, on the theme “Receive children, receive me”. Please see local press for details of the Services organised in different communities.

Some services in Dundee area

Circuit Preaching Plan

The Plan for March-May is now available and has been distributed by email, with some printed copies placed on the vestibule table. If you wish your name to be added to the list for electronic or printed copies, please see David Easson, and advise him if more copies are required on the table.

We are asked to note and support the Circuit Service in Perth at 6pm on Easter Day, March 27th, to mark Jenny Easson's 40 years as a Fully Accredited Local Preacher and to say a public “thank you and goodbye” to John Butterfield. The Service will include Holy Communion.

Observance of Lent

Marketgait worship includes a responsive Lenten Liturgy at or near the start of the Service. There are no flowers upstairs but a symbolic arrangement has been created on the Beechwood Table in the porch.

Meadowside St Paul's: ecumenical Lent Study series in their church halls at 7.15pm on Tuesdays using material from 40ACTS 'do Lent generously'.

The Broughty Ferry Churches Group issues a warm invitation to the following:

  • Study Group on Monday mornings (22nd February yet to be confirmed) in St Mary's (Queen Street, near Post Office Bar) from 10.15am to 11.45am, using the CTBI Pilgrimage material;
  • Soup Lunch on Wednesdays (12.15pm to 1.30pm) in the YMCA, Brook Street (opposite M&S), in support of Christian Aid; soup & a filled roll, then tea or coffee will be provided, invited minimum donation of £3.
  • Reflective Act of Worship on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in St Mary's (Queen Street) based round the CTBI Pilgrimage material.

All We Can BBC radio 4 Appeal

The Vice-President of Conference, Dr Jill Barber will give this appeal next Sunday, 6th March, at 7.55am and 9.25pm (repeat Thursday 10th March at 3.25 pm).

Community Bible Experience

The congregation of St James' Church Broughty Ferry are to undertake a planned reading of the Bible during 8 weeks from 17th April, under the above Scheme, and have invited others to join them.

The Scheme provides for daily reading of a specially-produced Bible (books arranged more chronologically, without internal subdivisions) and shared conversation with others in “Book Club”-style groups. To know more, contact David or Jenny Easson before Monday 21st March; register with St James' by Monday 21st March (Registration forms on table)

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 29th February 2016, 10.15am to 11.45am St Mary's (Queen Street, near Post Office Bar) Ecumenical Lent Study using material from CTBI Pilgrimage material.
Monday 29th February, 12.30pm to 8.30pm. Central Hall, Westminster Methodist Homes conference on the theme “One Day to Explore Why Later Life Matters”. The conference is intended as an exploration of current and future ideas to combat loneliness among older people.
The conference fee is £90.
Tuesday 1st March 2016, 7.15pm Meadowside St Paul's Ecumenical Lent Study using material from 40ACTS 'do Lent generously'.
Wednesday 2nd March, 12.15pm to 1.30pm. YMCA, Brook Street, Broughty Ferry Soup Lunch in Lent; soup & a filled roll, then tea or coffee will be provided, invited minimum donation of £3. Profits to Christian Aid.
Wednesday 2nd March, 7.30pm. St Mary's (Queen Street) Reflective Act of Worship based round the CTBI Pilgrimage material.
Thursday 3rd March, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Finance & Property Committee
Friday 4th March, 7pm St Luke's and Queen Street, Broughty Ferry World Day of Prayer
Saturday 5th March, 11am - 3pm Armadale Methodist Church, East Main Street, EH48 2MZ Scotland Methodist Women in Britain Lenten Quiet Day on the theme “Purple Pathways - practical and prayerful approaches to Lent”. Bring food, drinks provided. All welcome.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in March for work in Paraguay. Our prayerful attention in the coming weeks is drawn to

  • Bible Society staff in Paraguay encouraging many people living in deep poverty;
  • World Day of Prayer focus on Cuba on Friday - WDP in Scotland supports Bible Society work;
  • summer camp in Jordan for 20 young people, followed by discipleship event and leaders' training for 50 youth leaders.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 7th March 2016, 10.15am to 11.45am St Mary's (Queen Street, near Post Office Bar) Ecumenical Lent Study using material from CTBI Pilgrimage material.
Tuesday 8th March 2016, 7.15pm Meadowside St Paul's Ecumenical Lent Study using material from 40ACTS 'do Lent generously'.
Wednesday 9th March, 12.15pm to 1.30pm. YMCA, Brook Street, Broughty Ferry Soup Lunch in Lent; soup & a filled roll, then tea or coffee will be provided, invited minimum donation of £3. Profits to Christian Aid.
Wednesday 9th March, 7.30pm. St Mary's (Queen Street) Reflective Act of Worship based round the CTBI Pilgrimage material.
Thursday 10th March, 10.30am to 3.30pm. Salvation Army, 1 Houldsworth Street, Glasgow G3 8ED ACTS: Scottish Churches' Children's Group. A conference to explore “The Sexualisation of culture: a Biblical response”. Refreshments including lunch will be provided with a suggested donation of £5 towards costs. Register online

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference visiting the Channel Islands, the Vice-President in our District this weekend;
  • Connexional Faith and Order Committee, next weekend;
  • Regional Learning and Development Forum meeting, Tuesday;
  • District Superintendents' Meeting, Wednesday;
  • fellowship groups and house meetings in the Circuit;
  • residents, staff and supporters in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne District (Methodist Homes);
  • Fairtrade Fortnight, especially partners the KAITE Trust working with 500 farmers producing flowers in Zimbabwe for export (Christian Aid);
  • Coptic Orthodox Church organisation BLESS working with disadvantaged communities in Egypt (Embrace);
  • work in south east India (The Leprosy Mission);
  • work in Mongolia (MAF);
  • Bible Society work in Togo and in Paraguay;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco, and San Marino (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Preston Ribble Circuit (Lancashire District) and in Kirkcaldy (Edinburgh and Forth Circuit).