Dundee Methodist Church

29 September 2013

Next Sunday
6 October 2013

10.45 am
“early singing” - Chris Pickthall
11 am
Worship led by Mrs Heather Dean

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Faith Lunch - meet the new Chair

Meet the new Chair of the Synod, the Rev David P Easton, at a Faith Lunch on Sunday 13th October when he leads our worship in Marketgait for the first time. A warm welcome is given to everyone to stay and share food & conversation together. We are invited, if possible, to bring food to share or for our own dietary needs; drinks will be provided.

Sabbatical Arrangements

The Rev Mary Patterson will be on sabbatical from October to December inclusive (i.e. she resumes duties at the start of January 2014). During the sabbatical, the Rev John Butterfield will act as titular Superintendent of the Circuit. Pastoral matters requiring reference to a Minister should be directed to the Rev John Butterfield in the first instance, and administrative, practical or clarification questions pertaining to the Circuit should be addressed to David Cowling as Senior Circuit Steward. The Church Stewards or other office-bearers would normally be the first contact anent local church matters.

Incorporation of Broughty Ferry into Dundee

Events forming part of the Ferry's marking of the Centenary of its Incorporation into Dundee as from 4th November 1913

  • a United Service on Sunday 3rd November at 6pm in Broughty New Kirk.
  • A Joint BF Churches Choir will participate in the Service: rehearsals will be on Tuesday 29th October at 7.30pm and 12.30pm on Sunday 3rd November, in New Kirk.
  • displays and “open days” in a “Church Trail”;
  • Public Lecture by Dr Chris Davey in St Marys' Episcopal Church and a Poetry Competition for Children and Young People;

St Margaret's Café

Lunches / afternoon teas are served in Barnhill St Margaret's hall on Wednesdays from 12.30 pm to 4pm.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 30th September 2013, 7pm - 9pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Pastoral Committee meeting
Wednesday 2nd October 2013, 10am to 11.30am Blairgowrie Methodist Church Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come.
Friday 4th October 2013, 12 noon to 1pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Soup Lunch. A choice of soups is offered, with bread and cheese, followed by tea or coffee, for which a minimum donation of £2 is requested. A warm welcome is extended to all to partake of the Soup Lunch and join in the warm table fellowship throughout the autumn and spring.
Friday 4th October 2013, 10am to 3pm Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4HZ “Churches and Homelessness - a reflection.”, a seminar organised by Scottish Churches Housing Action.
More information, including booking form.
Saturday 5th October 2013, 1pm St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, High Street, Dundee The Strathmore Singers perform the Duruflé Requiem. Tickets at the door - £4 adults, £3 concessions, schoolchildren free. Coffee and tea are served after each concert. Series programme.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in September for work in Lebanon and in October for work in Laos.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • growth of Christianity in Laos especially among young people;
  • rebuilding of Bible Society bookshops in Egypt;
  • WILD about the WORD events in Scotland.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 23rd October 2013, 7pm Baxter Suite, Tower Building, Dundee University Dundee Fairtrade Forum AGM. Professor John Riches of Just Trading Scotland will give a talk on 'The Story of Malawian Rice Farmers'. A free curry and rice supper and Fairtrade wine will be available.
Tuesday 5th November 2013, 11am to 4pm Perth Methodist Church, Scott Street “Inviting People to Stay”
This District Event will focus on follow-up from 'Back to Church Sunday' contacts. Michael Harvey will lead the seminar; refreshments and lunch will be provided. For further details see poster on notice board, contact Rev Martin Keenan: tel: 01542 831176; 07921 540 170; email: martin.keenan@methodist.org.uk.
Saturday 9th November 2013, 10.30am to 4.00pm, followed by early dinner (optional) Old Churches House, (former Scottish Churches House) Dunblane “Live Upside Down”
The Holiness and Risk Group invite us “to think what it means to follow a man who challenges us to see the world differently”. Please book through Fiona in the District Office (01886 820295; fiona@methodistchurch.plus.com ).

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference at the Conservative Party Conference, Monday - Tuesday;
  • Connexional Leaders' Forum and District Chairs' Meeting, Monday - Tuesday;
  • Methodist Missionary Society History Conference and 200th Anniversary Service, Leeds next weekend;
  • our Circuit titular Superintendent, the Rev John Butterfield, and the Senior Circuit Steward, David Cowling;
  • support for agencies working in South Sudan ( Mission Aviation Fellowship);
  • The Leprosy Mission's promotional work in the Far East and Australasia;
  • residents and staff in the Lincoln and Grimsby District (Methodist Homes);
  • safety of all at J L Schneller School in the Bekaa Valley near the Syrian border (Embrace);
  • Quilombola communities in Brazil and partner CPI (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Lebanon and in Laos;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);

we remember fellow Methodists in Tipton (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District) and in Girvan (Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Circuit