15 September 2013
Next Sunday 22 September 2013
- 11 am
- Worship led by the Rev Gerald Bostock
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
The Rev Mary Patterson will be on sabbatical from October to December inclusive. Arrangements to assist in the covering of her duties will be notified to us by the Circuit in the near future.
St Margaret's Café
Lunches / afternoon teas are served in
Barnhill St Margaret's hall on Wednesdays from 12.30 pm
to 4pm.
Incorporation of Broughty Ferry
into Dundee
As part
of the Ferry's marking of the Centenary of its Incorporation
into Dundee as from 4th November 1913
- A United Service will be held on Sunday 3rd November at 6pm
Broughty New Kirk.
- It is hoped that a Joint BF Churches Choir will be formed to
participate in the Service: rehearsal will be on Tuesday 29th October
at 7.30pm and 12.30pm on Sunday 3rd November, in New Kirk. Please
let Jenny or David Easson or Kate Green know if you wish to join
this choir or email
helenbridger@yahoo.com preferably by 30th Sept.
- It is proposed
that individual Ferry churches hold displays and “open
days” in connection with the Centenary and that a “Church
Trail” be publicised.
- There will be a Public Lecture
by Dr Chris Davey in St Marys' Episcopal Church.
The Link Club
The Club expresses its thanks to all who supported its recent stall during the Rotary Event in City Square and is pleased to intimate that the sum of £225 has been raised for Club funds. The Club remains grateful for the support of the Church - regular volunteers welcome! (We are in special need of drivers, escorts, and “tea-makers” following the recent retirals of valued helpers for health reasons; please speak to Lorna, Jenny or Sue Marshall-Jennings).
World Methodist Council
World Methodist Council has met in Wesley's Chapel London this past week for worship, fellowship, and exchange of views & information
round an agenda aiming at shaping the focus points and plans for the years ahead.
Bishop Ivan Abrahams, WMC General Secretary, referred to the process of coming together of what John Wesley called 'Holy Conferring' -
Christians coming together for the sake of truth and peace-seeking.
The meeting brought together some 300 Methodists based in over 100 countries, representing over 75 million Methodists, Wesleyan and
related Uniting and United Church members.
The WMC is a worldwide association of 77 member churches that enables and facilitates its members sharing and learning together.
This meeting returned the Council to the place where it first convened 132 years ago in 1881.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Saturday 14th - Friday 20th September 2013, 10am to 4pm (except Sunday when it is 12noon to 4pm) and Wednesday
6pm to 8pm
Kirkcaldy Methodist Church,
Clair Street, Kirkcaldy
Our District colleagues in Kirkcaldy Methodist Church are celebrating their
125th anniversary as “a church in the community.
The story
is told in stories, picture, and words in their premises.
Admission is free.
Visitors from near and far are welcome.
Tuesday 17th September 2013, 2pm |
Bonar Hall, Dundee |
Social Enterprise Conference - Preparing for Growth.
This is the first such conference
in Dundee, with invited speakers from within and furth
of the UK. The cost is £65 + VAT for a delegate
place and there is also sponsorship from £50 + VAT.
All attending will be given a free copy of the book
“The Social Entrepreneur - Making Communities
Work” by Lord Andrew Mawson OBE, one of the
speakers. See poster on noticeboard, or contact Eric Peebles:
tel (01382) 434564 or email
ericpeebles@dundeecity.gov.uk. |
Wednesday 18th September 2013, 10am to 11.30am
Blairgowrie Methodist Church |
Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is
always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come. |
Friday 20th September 2013, 12 noon to 1pm
YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S
Food”) (map) |
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Soup Lunch.
A choice of soups
is offered, with bread and cheese, followed by tea or coffee, for
which a minimum donation of £2 is requested. A warm
welcome is extended to all to partake of the Soup Lunch
and join in the warm table fellowship throughout the autumn
and spring. |
Saturday 21st September 2013, 1pm
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, High Street, Dundee |
Lunchtime concert given by Joseph Sloan (piano). Tickets at the door - £4 adults,
£3 concessions, schoolchildren free. Coffee and tea are
served after each concert.
Series programme. |
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in September for work in Lebanon.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- progress with ecumenical translation in Poland, also distribution projects among young people;
- BibleWorld staff exhibiting at the Scottish Learning Festival and making contacts with local education authorities and teachers;
- SBS Board of Directors meeting on Friday;
- completion of the Bible revision project in Hungary, with work on a new Bible edition to be launched next April.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 23rd October 2013, 7pm
Baxter Suite, Tower Building, Dundee University
Dundee Fairtrade Forum AGM. Professor John Riches
Just Trading Scotland will give a talk on 'The Story of
Malawian Rice Farmers'. A free curry and rice supper and
Fairtrade wine will be available.
Tuesday 5th November 2013, 11am to 4pm
Perth Methodist Church, Scott Street
“Inviting People to Stay”
This District Event will focus on follow-up from 'Back to Church Sunday' contacts.
Michael Harvey will lead the seminar; refreshments and lunch
will be provided. For further details see poster on notice board,
contact Rev Martin Keenan: tel: 01542 831176; 07921 540 170;
Prayer Points for this week
- the President of Conference in the Cornwall, then Plymouth and Exeter Districts this week;
- Connexional Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, Monday;
- the Rev Mary Patterson and others preparing for her sabbatical;
- Perth Stewards meeting, Monday afternoon;
- Riverside Church Council, Blairgowrie, Thursday evening;
- restoration of remote airstrips in Papua New Guinea (
Mission Aviation
- The
Leprosy Mission's work in Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia;
- new and developing existing projects (Methodist Homes);
- building work at the
Lighthouse School, Gaza (Embrace);
- the
International Day of Peace on Saturday (Christian Aid);
- Bible Society work in Lebanon;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
- we remember fellow Methodists in
Gornal and Sedgley (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District) and in
Barrhead (Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Circuit).