Dundee Methodist Church

24 November 2013

Next Sunday
1 December 2013
Advent 1

10.45 am
'Hymns for Advent' selected by Margaret Goudie
11 am
Worship led by Mrs Jenny Easson

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Philippines Typhoon Relief

Envelopes for donations via MRDF are available and can be returned through a retiring collection after worship today and next week.

UNICEF Jars of Grace

Jars may still be returned (with contents!) or donations given to Margaret. Total to date is £120.44.

Bible Reading Notes

It is time to order the IBRA Bible reading notes for 2014. The format has been changed - examples will be on the desk, together with an order form for you to sign up. It looks to be an excellent format and worth taking for your daily Bible readings. Please look at them and sign up for an order for 2014 - payment on receipt. Further info from Heather.

Dundee Methodists and Food Banks

  1. Please support the Dundee Foodbank by bringing in any of the suggested items from the Shopping List (on the table on the upstairs landing) and placing the items in the large blue Bucket provided nearby. An explanatory slip is also available.
    • There is also need for plastic carrier bags of suitable size: please place any spares along with food items in the Bucket;
    • Giving money is also welcome.
    • Liz Kay reports that we would appear to have given around 100lb of food to the Foodbank already - so please keep up the good work! Contact Liz for further information.
  2. Tesco have made the following request:
    • Dundee Foodbank are collecting food donations in all 3 Tesco Extra stores in Dundee on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November, and would appreciate any willing volunteers over the course of these days.
    • If you are able to spare some time and help hand out leaflets or sort donations, please let Dave Morris know on info@dundee.foodbank.org.uk or by phone (01382) 226372. See http://dundee.foodbank.org.uk/supermarket-collections for more information.

Dundee Mountain Film Festival

Events take place 27th - 30th November. See Programme . The Film Festival Committee has long been one of the regular User Groups of our premises.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 27th November 2013, 10am to 11.30am Blairgowrie Methodist Church Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come.
Wednesday 27th November 2013, 12 noon Barnhill St Margaret's Church and hall Lunchtime Service at 12 noon & the St Margaret' s Café in the adjacent Hall open for lunches and afternoon teas from 12.30pm to 4pm each Wednesday during school terms.
Friday 29th November 2013, 12 noon to 1pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Soup Lunch. A choice of soups is offered, with bread and cheese, followed by tea or coffee, for which a minimum donation of £2 is requested. A warm welcome is extended to all to partake of the Soup Lunch and join in the warm table fellowship throughout the autumn and spring.
Saturday 30th November 2013, 10am - 12 noon Broughty Baptist, St Vincent Street Christmas Coffee Morning
Saturday 30th November 2013, 10am - 12 noon St Aidan's Centre, Brook Street Christmas Teas
Saturday 30th November 2013, 11am - 2pm St Luke's & Queen St Church, Broughty Ferry Christmas Fair
Saturday 30th November 2013, 6.30pm Dundee West Church Samuel Chorus Concert. See poster or get information from David Easson.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in November for work in Haiti. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • the Bible Society of Sweden's small staff team;
  • completion of Bible translations in Uganda into Lugosa and Kumam, and revised Luganda Bible;
  • literacy projects, promotions, and support of those traumatised during the genocide in Rwanda;
  • 'Where is the Good Samaritan Today?' programme in Burundi, reaching out to those affected by HIV / AIDS.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Friday 6th December 2013, 7.30pm St James' Church, Broughty erryF (the “Lifeboat” Church) Impromptu Singers Concert Christmas Concert
Sunday 15th December 2013, 7.30pm Caird Hall Dundee Choral Union - Vivaldi, Mendelssohn, & Handel - tickets David Easson or Denise Jackson - more detail next week.
Saturday 18th January 2014, 2pm to 5pm rehearsal, 6.30pm performance. Broughty New Kirk “Come and Sing 'Messiah' ”. We are all encouraged to join this performance - no previous experience is necessary - but if you feel singing is not your gift, support as a member of the audience will also be welcomed!
The sum of £5 per person participating is requested, along with booking - vocal scores can be provided if required. There will be refreshments available after the performance.
For booking forms to indicate part sung, need for score and Gift Aid, see Vestibule table, contact New Kirk on (01382) 738624, or email office@broughtynewkirk.com.

Prayer Points for this week

  • Methodist Ministers and ministry, especially in public life;
  • Connexional Grants Committee, Wednesday - Thursday; Strategy and Resources Committee, Thursday;
  • Church Stewards in the Circuit's churches;
  • the team and supporters in the UK ( Embrace);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Chad, Guinea, and Niger;
  • residents and staff in the Sheffield District, remembering the Rev Tony Pepper in Hathersage (Methodist Homes);
  • staff deployed in the Philippines to assist typhoon disaster relief work ( MAF);
  • partners affected by continuing violence in Syria and cyclone Mahasen in Bangladesh (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Haiti;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
  • we remember Methodists in Wolverhampton ( Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District) and in Peterhead (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).