Dundee Methodist Church

26 May 2013

Next Sunday
2 June 2013

10.45 am
Worship led by the Rev Mary Patterson
12 noon
General Church Meeting

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

General Church Meeting

The annual General Church Meeting will take place next Sunday after worship commencing at 10.45am. Following a short break (to allow for 'comfort needs', car parking payments, & serving of coffee), the formal GCM business will include the election of Church Stewards and four representatives from the congregation to the Church Council.

Circuit Preaching Plan: June - August

The next Quarter's Plan has been already sent out electronically to those who have so indicated and is available from Marketgait in print for those who wish a paper copy. More can be run off if required.

If you have not previously agreed / indicated which of these two options you prefer, please do so by signing the sheet on the Vestibule table or advising David and Jenny Easson.

Royal Highland Show: Churches Stand

Volunteers to staff the Churches Stand at the RHS in Ingliston from 20th to 23rd June are sought. Please contact Bill Reid billreid@methodistchurch.plus.com, shonapaterson@acts-scotland.org or lcameron@cofscotland.org.uk.

Invitation to Anniversary Service

Dundee Methodists have been invited by Meadowside St Paul's Church of Scotland to join the Anniversary Celebration worship, with Communion, at 11am in Meadowside St Paul's on Sunday 30th June; there will also be a Methodist Café Service at that time in Marketgait. Any Methodists who wish to attend the Anniversary Service are encouraged to do so on this important occasion for our friends and neighbours. It would be helpful for our Church Stewards to know in advance of people wishing to go to MSP.

Christian Aid Week: “Bite Back at Hunger”

If you did not have the opportunity to donate during Christian Aid Week, envelopes are available on the Vestibule table for return to Margaret.

Edinburgh Half-Marathon: today, Sunday 26th May

David Rogerson (Central Scotland Circuit) is running in support of Rett UK, a charity supporting those with this neurological syndrome and their families.

To sponsor David, see details on https://www.justgiving.com/David-Rogerson2/.

David's amount will be matched by Camas Enterprises Ltd.

Volunteer drivers sought

The Dundee East Community Car Scheme has been established to “provide transport for older people who cannot, for various reasons, make their journey by private or public transport.”

The Scheme is seeking volunteers as drivers or bookings assistants. For more information about the scheme and/or volunteering, contact Neil Gateley on (01382) 305721, email commcarscheme@gmail.com.

Broughty Ferry Churches news

  • Broughty Baptist Church (76 St Vincent Street) gives an invitation to hear first hand news from Sudan and South Sudan during worship this evening at 6.30pm when Bishop Jon Kongi of the Africa Inland Church will be speaking.
  • Barnhill St Margaret's Church, Invermark Terrace, hold a Lunchtime Service on Wednesdays at 12 noon
  • The St Margaret's Café is open for lunches and afternoon teas in Barnhill St Margaret's Hall each Wednesday in term time from 12.30pm to 4pm
  • Dundee Presbytery has given formal consent for the linking of the parish churches of St Stephen's and West with Dundee, St Mary's, the Rev Keith Hall being Minister of both. The Linkage Dedication Service will take place on Thursday 27th June.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 28th May 2013, 7pm - 9pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Pastoral Committee
Tuesday 28th May 2013, 7pm Old and Abbey Church, West Abbey Street, Arbroath DD11 1EQ An Evening with the Rev Les Isaac “The Original Street Pastor”. Refreshments will be available - for information and to reserve a seat, phone 07432 401943 or email Arbroath@streetpastors.org.uk.
Wednesday 29th May 2013, 10am to 11.30am Blairgowrie Methodist Church Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come.
Wednesday 29th May 2013, 6.30pm - 9.30pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Safeguarding
Thursday 30th May 2013, 7pm Inchture Church Council
Friday 31st May 2013, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. A choice of soups (including a vegetarian option), bread and cheese, followed by coffee or tea is available, and a donation of £2 (or more!) is invited to support the work of Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to partake of the food and fellowship, whilst thinking of others worldwide.
NB: the “team on duty” is from St Mary's SEC and Dundee Methodists.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work in Kyrgyzstan and in June for work in The Philippines.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • completion and publication of the Jamaican New Testament in print and audio formats;
  • new resources produced in Canada to reach diverse ethnic groups, First Nations communities, and the younger generation with The Word. For Life;
  • Canadian Bible work in Bermuda;
  • use of interactive technology to raise interest among young people in the Philippines;
  • the work of the American Bible Society to stimulate reading of the Bible - copies are often placed on shelves in homes but not used.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 2nd June 2013 Dundee Methodist Church, 12 noon General Church Meeting

Prayer Points for this week

  • The Vice-President of Conference at the World Mission Conference, Swanwick, next weekend;
  • ecumenical partners throughout the British Isles;
  • the team and supporters in the UK ( Mission Aviation Fellowship);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Chad and in Niger;
  • projects, residents, and staff in London (Methodist Homes);
  • Al Ahli Arab Hospital, Gaza (Embrace);
  • pilgrimages and commissioning for G8 mobilisation (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Kyrgyzstan and in The Philippines;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Whitby (York and Hull District) and all in Livingston Ecumenical Parish (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).