19 May 2013
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
The next Quarter's Plan is now available, and already sent out electronically in the coming weeks to those who have so indicated and available from Marketgait in print for those who wish a paper copy. More can be run off if required.
If you have not previously agreed / indicated which of these two options you prefer, please do so by signing the sheet on the Vestibule table or advising David or Jenny Easson.
Pam Bostock (Circuit Meeting Secretary) is to place a bulk order for the next Prayer Handbook, to include all the Circuit's churches.
The Handbook, entitled “Light and Hope”, should cost £3.15 (ordinary or large print). To provide an estimate of Dundee's requirements, it would be helpful if those wishing a Handbook would sign the sheet on the Vestibule table. If you are aware of others who would wish a copy, please add their name or advise Jenny Easson.
Pam may also be able to include in the order other material from Methodist Publishing (thereby saving on post and packaging costs); please contact her direct (or indicate on the Handbook sheet) about this.
“Singing the Faith”- Jenny Easson has some insert sheets for the defective final page of the index in the music edition.
After considering the invitation by Meadowside St Paul's Church of Scotland to Dundee Methodist Church, to join the Anniversary Celebration worship in Meadowside St Paul's on Sunday 30th June, it was decided that the Café Service would still be held at the usual time in Marketgait. Any Methodists who wish to attend this Anniversary Service with Communion are encouraged to do so; it is hoped that group may go to represent Dundee Methodists on this important occasion for our friends and neighbours. It would be helpful for our Church Stewards to know in advance of people wishing to go to MSP.
Volunteers to staff the Churches Stand at the RHS in Ingliston from 20th to 23rd June are sought. Please contact Bill Reid billreid@methodistchurch.plus.com, shonapaterson@acts-scotland.org or lcameron@cofscotland.org.uk.
This year marks the 1450th anniversary of Columba's arrival on Iona and also the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Iona Community and the 25th anniversary of the opening of the McLeod Centre. A Programme of celebrations has been organised for Pentecost Weekend leading into a week-long international and ecumenical gathering. Programme details
David Rogerson (Central Scotland Circuit) will be running in support of Rett UK, a charity supporting those with this neurological syndrome and their families.
To sponsor David, see details on https://www.justgiving.com/David-Rogerson2/.
David's amount will be matched by Camas Enterprises Ltd.
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 15th May 2013, 10am to 11.30am | Blairgowrie Methodist Church | Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come. |
Friday 17th May 2013, 12 noon - 1 pm | YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) | Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. A choice of soups (including a vegetarian option), bread and cheese, followed by coffee or tea is available, and a donation of £2 (or more!) is invited to support the work of Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to partake of the food and fellowship, whilst thinking of others worldwide. |
Saturday 18th May 2013, 10am to 3pm | St Luke's and Queen Street Church, Broughty Ferry | >Broughty Ferry Churches Group: Pentecost Quiet Day. A “Quiet Day” is offered to all interested ('men as well as women' - 'come and go as you wish'). There will be the usual opportunities for craftwork, quiet reflection, conversation, food, fellowship, laughter …. Previous “Quiet Days” have been much appreciated by a range of people from the Ferry churches and community. All are invited to “come, taste and see” how good it is! |
Support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work in Kyrgyzstan.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Saturday 25th May 2013, 10.30am to 2.30pm | Falkland Estate Car Park | The Scottish Churches Rural Group (SCRG) are this year hosting a Spiritual Walk, using themes being developed by the Scottish Pilgrim Routes Forum (SPRF), and “to celebrate the value of God's Creation and reflect on its distinctive expression in a rural context”. The Walk will cover a distance of around 3 miles, starting from the Falkland Estate Car Park. Lunch will be provided (cost c £10); booking is required through shonapaterson@acts-scotland.org. See notice board for further details or contact ACTS. |
Saturday 25th May 2013, 4.30pm | St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh | Royal School of Church Music Celebration Day. Following rehearsal by the choristers, a public Service will take place at 4.30pm, which will include modern works by Scottish composers, 'inspirational congregational hymns' and presentation of honorary awards. More details. |
Sunday 26th May 2013 | Meadowside St Paul's Church, Dundee | Concert by Paisley Abbey Choir, with George McPhee. Tickets £6 from Dundee City Box Office. |
© 2002—2021 Dundee Methodist Church Scottish Charity number: SC037954.