Dundee Methodist Church

3 March 2013

Next Sunday
10 March 201
Lent 4: Mothering Sunday

11 am
Worship led by Mr David Cowling
6 pm
Circuit Service with the President at Blairgowrie Methodist Church

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Meet the President of Conference, Revd Dr Mark Wakelin

The President of Conference is visiting the District next weekend. He is a challenging speaker, well worth hearing!

  • On Saturday, he will be leading an open meeting in Perth between 10.30am and 3pm at National Christian Outreach Centre, Riggs Road, Perth . The theme he has chosen for the day is 'Dreaming of the summer: what if Church became the place God wanted it to be?' We look forward to hearing what Mark has to say and hope you will be able to join us. Coffee will be available from 10.30am with worship starting at 11am. Lunch is provided. The event is free; donations are welcome.
  • n Sunday, the President will be at Blairgowrie Methodist Church for a Circuit Service at 6pm to which all are welcome. It is hoped that a good number from each of our Circuit churches will be able to attend this service.

The Season of Lent

BFCG and Dundee City Centre Churches have arranged the following weekly Study Groups.

  • City Centre:
“Ecumenical Lenten Study Groups Tuesdays at 7.15 for 7.30pm in Meadowside St Paul's Hall Complex (turn left on entry to the Lower Hall, the usual place of our meeting).

The theme this year is “Fit for Purpose” - A Lenten Course in Spiritual Health. This may be purchased at www.kevinmayhew.com or better still through the CLC bookshop.

  • Broughty Ferry Churches Group:

The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent.

Circuit Preaching Plans distribution

Following a change in production and circulation, the Plan of appointed Preachers is to be sent electronically to those known to be “on-line”; please indicate your agreement to this and the consequent record-holding, on the list on the glass top table. Those not “on-line” are asked to sign to request a printed copy. Accompanying 'Letters from the Minister' will be similarly distributed.

“Lies about poverty: shattering the myths”

13 million people - including 3.6 million children - live in poverty in the UK today

The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have published the above major new Report, confronting the most common myths told about people who are in poverty or in receipt of benefits, highlighting some of the most abused statistics.

The Report states that the misuse of data supports “a comfortable but dangerous story: that the poor somehow deserve their poverty, and therefore deserve the cuts which they increasingly face.”

The Churches, together representing more than 1 million people across Britain, hope that the Report will empower Christians and others to challenge myths and lies about poverty, wherever found.

The Report is to be sent to every MP and MSP; encouragement is given to constituents to ask how this information will be used by their elected representatives to challenge and better inform policy-making.

Dundee Information and Advocacy Line for Older People

DIAS have asked us to draw attention to their service, available Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm, on (01382) 305757. This is described as “a listening ear for older people” providing a confidential service by local volunteers, supported by Dundee Independent Advocacy Support (Charity No SC027180).

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 4th March 2013, 10.15am-11.45am St Mary's Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lenten Study Group. The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent. Facilitated by Jenny Easson.
Tuesday 5th March 2013, 7 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “B” Finance & Property Committee
Tuesday 5th March 2013, 7.15/7.30pm Meadowside St Paul's Hall Complex (turn left on entry to the Lower Hall, the usual place of our meeting) Ecumenical Lenten Study Group. The theme this year is “Fit for Purpose” - A Lenten Course in Spiritual Health. This may be purchased at www.kevinmayhew.com or better still through the CLC bookshop. It is adaptable but presents all leaders with a structure from which to work. Leaders this year are from St Andrews Cathedral, The Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, The High Kirk and MStP's. The Salvation Army has also been invited. The Theme should make for lively ecumenical discussion!
Wednesday 6th March 2013, 7 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Preachers' Meeting
Wednesday 6th March 2013, 7.30pm to 9pm New Kirk Small Hall, Queen Street Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lenten Study Group. The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent. Facilitated by representatives of BFCG member churches.
Friday 8th March 2013, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. A choice of soups (including a vegetarian option), bread and cheese, followed by coffee or tea is available, and a donation of £2 (or more!) is invited to support the work of Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to partake of the food and fellowship, whilst thinking of others worldwide.
Saturday 9th March 2013, 10.30am to 3pm National Christian Outreach Centre, Riggs Road, Perth Open meeting in Perth led by the President of Conference, Revd Dr Mark Wakelin on the theme 'Dreaming of the summer: what if Church became the place God wanted it to be?' We look forward to hearing what Mark has to say and hope you will be able to join us. Coffee will be available from 10.30am with worship starting at 11am. Lunch is provided. The event is free; donations are welcome.
Saturday 9th March 2013, 1 pm St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, High Street, Dundee Saturday Lunchtime Concert given by Svitlana Esplin, piano. Tickets - adults: £4; concessions: £3; schoolchildren: free - available at the door. coffee/tea served after each concert, with the chance to meet the performers.
Sunday 10th March 2013, 6 pm Blairgowrie Methodist Church Circuit Service with the President of Conference Rev Dr Mark Wakelin. It is hoped that a good number from each of our Circuit churches will be able to attend this service.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in March for work in Bolivia.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • translators involved in the revision of the Quechua Bible in Bolivia;
  • work to embrace the New Revised Version of the Nepali Holy Bible;
  • the China Partnership's support for production of more Bibles, and the training of ministers and teachers;
  • change of President and Chief Executive Officer at the American Bible Society this month.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 11th March 2013, 10.15am-11.45am St Mary's Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lenten Study Group. The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent. Facilitated by Jenny Easson.
Tuesday 12th March 2013, 7.15/7.30pm Meadowside St Paul's Hall Complex (turn left on entry to the Lower Hall, the usual place of our meeting) Ecumenical Lenten Study Group. The theme this year is “Fit for Purpose” - A Lenten Course in Spiritual Health. This may be purchased at www.kevinmayhew.com or better still through the CLC bookshop. It is adaptable but presents all leaders with a structure from which to work. Leaders this year are from St Andrews Cathedral, The Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, The High Kirk and MStP's. The Salvation Army has also been invited. The Theme should make for lively ecumenical discussion!
Tuesday 12th March to Saturday 16th March at 7.30pm, with matinees at 2.30pm on the Wednesday and Saturday MacRobert Theatre, University of Stirling “Carousel”, to be presented by Stirling and Bridge of Allan Operatic Society. Book online, see poster and booking information on noticeboard or contact Jan Higgins, tel: 01786 821677; mobile 07811 055684.
Thursday 14th March 2013, 7.30pm to 9pm St Mary's Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lenten Study Group. The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent. Facilitated by representatives of Methodists with St Luke's & Queen Street.
Friday 15th March (7pm) to Saturday 16th March (6pm) St Cuthbert's Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh Church of Scotland Music Group and Panel on Mission and Discipleship's Different Voices National Music Event 2013
Further details / booking; email enquiriesDV@cofscotland.org.uk

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President of Conference's visit to Scotland next weekend;
  • 'Connecting Disciples' conference, High Leigh;
  • the Roman Catholic Church, especially our brothers and sisters in Scotland, at this time of election, challenge, and change;
  • FairTrade fortnight continuing to next Sunday;
  • support of health-care partners in Bangladesh (MAF);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in south east India;
  • J L Schneller School's work with children special educational needs, in the Bekaa Valley (Embrace);
  • projects in the Manchester and Stockport District (Methodist Homes);
  • continuing support for those in need in the Sahel (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Bolivia;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Portugal, Spain, Italy and Malta (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in South Bedfordshire (Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District) and our Circuit colleagues in Scott Street, Perth (Angus, Dundee and Perthshire Circuit).