Dundee Methodist Church

14 July 2013

Next Sunday
21 July 2013

11 am
Worship led by Mrs Marcia Mackenzie

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Ministerial Pastoral cover

Please note that the Rev Mary Patterson is officially on holiday this week and that we should contact the Revs Gerald Bostock or Jean Murrie or a Circuit Steward if necessary.

Gift Aid for Small Donations

An addition has been made to the Gift Aid scheme. This new aspect is unrelated to tax and therefore applicable to those who have not been able to join Gift Aid in the past. The Church can now claim on loose collections and envelopes not previously involved. There are however a couple of restrictions which only affect people who have not been able to Gift Aid

  1. we cannot claim on any cheques
  2. we cannot claim on sums greater than £20.

This latter condition has one important practical consequence - if you would normally have combined collections for more than one week into one envelope, it is better to submit all the separate ones eg 3 envelopes with a £10 note in each can be claimed against but 1 envelope with £30 or a cheque in it cannot.

If you are not currently a Gift-Aider, please consider this.

Thanks! (David E - Treasurer & Mary F - Gift Aid Sec)

Action for Children

There is a now vacancy for a link person with Action for Children (AfC). Those holding boxes or wishing to make donations in support of AfC may do so direct to the Church Treasurer. David intends sending off contributions in early August so he will be happy to receive any box now.

Other fund-raising boxes

Anybody with a Marketgait fund-raising box or a Mission in Britain ie Home Missions box who would like them emptying now can also hand them over to David before the end of the Methodist Connexional year ie 31st August.

Church Financial Administrator

St Peter's Church is advertising the above position, to provide administrative support of its Minister, congregation, and wider ministry. The post-holder will work a 12-hour week: 3 hours on a Monday morning in the Church Office, the remaining hours on a negotiated basis. For Job Description and Person Specification, apply to St Peter's direct. The closure for applications is tomorrow (Monday 15th July), with interviews scheduled for Monday 29th July.

Broughty Ferry Churches news

Link Club stall

The Club has again been given the opportunity by Rotary Dundee to take a stall in City Square on Saturday 31st August.

If you have items you wish to donate for sale please consult Lorna as to suitability and the best ways & means of providing them.

“Unclaimed property” - can you help?

Lorna is aiming to create an identified and easily accessible space to keep material suitable for children during worship. She has come across several items in the cupboard opposite the upstairs office, about which she requests clarification.

Please contact her with advice on provenance, ownership, suitability of retaining or disposing appropriately of the following:

  • wooden rocking cradle - in good condition - surplus to our crèche needs - dispose of via charity outlet?
  • large cream coloured bathsheet - retain or dispose of?
  • table tennis equipment + set of darts - ex-Youth Club possibly? - to be retained?
  • other toys - to be given TLC before retention or disposal.

District Services of Farewell and Welcome

Everyone is warmly invited to the following two Services being arranged to say “Farewell” to our outgoing and “Welcome” to our in-coming Chairs of Synod. Both services are to be held in Perth Methodist Church premises and will be followed by refreshments and informal fellowship.

  • Farewell to the Rev Lily Twist - Saturday 27th July at 1.30pm
  • Welcome to the Rev Dr David P Easton (currently Superintendent, Aberystwyth) - Saturday 31st August at 2pm.

Methodist Conference Decisions

  1. Confirmation of the appointment of the Rev Dr David P Easton as Chair of Synod from 1st September
  2. Funding of the Connexional Liaison Officer post will cease from 31st August (the post held by Bill Reid).

There are to be continuing consultations with the Connexional Team and a range of others, including ecumenical partners, as to future ways of ensuring the contribution of Methodism to ecumenical and civic life in Scotland, and to the enriching of the whole Connexion thereby.

Recommendations are to be brought to Conference in Birmingham next year.

We assure Bill and Margaret of the prayerful support of Dundee Methodists, with others, during this time of change.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 17th July 2013, 10am to 11.30am Blairgowrie Methodist Church Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come.
Wednesday 17th July 2013, 7.30pm Barnhill St Margaret's Church, Invermark Terrace Concert by the Posaunenchor Hambach-Winzingen Band - entry free, but donations invited in a retiring collection.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in July for work here in Scotland.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • opportunities to work openly throughout Israel;
  • safety of the Palestinian Bible Society team in East Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza;
  • Bible Mission trip from Singapore to Indonesia, including distribution of Bibles;
  • translation of Peace Scripture narratives into art production by Palestinian and Israeli artists;
  • stability in volatile situations in Lebanon, Bible Society events organised by churches, also relief work among thousands of Syrian refugees.

Prayer Points for this week