3 February 2013
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Methodist Heritage has now launched the second of three Methodist Family History websites. The first one focussed on Primitive Methodism and the new site, My Methodist History, invites sharing of past Methodist stories of places and people. This is free to use after registration.
A Methodist stand, featuring all three website strands, will be part of the 'Who Do You Think You Are' Exhibition at London Olympia from February 22nd - 24th.
The formal launch of this campaign to eradicate poverty took place last Wednesday at Somerset House in London. The Campaign, undertaken by leading development charities and faith groups, is the largest since the “Make Poverty History” movement of 2005.
The Campaign's first Report warns:
“In a world where there is enough food for everyone, the scandal of children growing up hungry also imposes a grave economic burden on the developing world, costing 78 billion over the next 15 years.
As well as the 937 million children and young people (aged 15-40) whose life chances will be permanently damaged by the impact of childhood hunger by 2025, .… (it is estimated that) malnutrition will be costing developing countries an annual $125 billion (£78 billion) in lost economic output by 2030.”
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm until Thursday 31st January 2013. | Roseangle Café Arts (junction of Roseangle and Perth Road, opposite the Art College) | An exhibition of “late works” by Dennis White with works by Louise Pearson and Volker Rosenberg. See poster on downstairs noticeboard; Roseangle Café Arts Facebook page. |
Friday 1st February 2013, 12 noon - 1 pm | YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) | Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. A choice of soups (including a vegetarian option), bread and cheese, followed by coffee or tea is available, and a donation of £2 (or more!) is invited to support the work of Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to partake of the food and fellowship, whilst thinking of others worldwide. |
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd February 2013 | Tulliallan | District Local Preachers' Weekend |
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in January for work in Ukraine and in February for work in Fiji.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
Final updates on 2012 Bible a Month featured projects:
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 6th February 2013, 7 pm | Dundee Methodist Church | Church Council |
Friday 15th March (7pm) to Saturday 16th March (6pm) | St Cuthbert's Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh | Church of Scotland Music Group and Panel
on Mission and Discipleship's Different
Voices National Music Event 2013 Further details / booking; email enquiriesDV@cofscotland.org.uk |
Friday 12th April 2013 | Blairgowrie Methodist Church | Concert: Grahame Wright and Friends will entertain with a variety of music. Please make a note of the date. |
7th - 10th July 2013 | John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh | 5th International Conference on Ageing and
Spirituality, organised by Faith in Older People and MHA. The programme will include Master Classes, workshops, academic papers and presentations on projects, for which proposals are invited by 31st January. Conference website, including booking form. |
© 2002—2021 Dundee Methodist Church Scottish Charity number: SC037954.