Dundee Methodist Church

20 January 2013

Next Sunday
27 January 2013

11 am
Worship led by Jenny Easson

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18th - 25th January

This annual time of world-wide sharing in worship, prayer and witness will be marked on the eight days from Friday, under the theme “What does God require of us?”, using material prepared by an ecumenical group in south India, published for use in this country by CCBI.

The Broughty Ferry Churches Group will observe the Week by shared worship on Wednesday 24th January at 12 noon in Barnhill St Margaret's Church, Invermark Terrace, Broughty Ferry, which can be followed by lunch at the weekly café in the Halls. A warm welcome is given to all.

“Beethoven Five Alive!” Workshop in Dundee

To celebrate the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra's performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, an opportunity is offered to join a scratch orchestra or choir “to perform a new piece created by you”.

On Wednesday 6th February from 7pm in the Caird Hall, Ian Steiner will lead an orchestra of professional and amateur musicians for a 3-hour workshop, exploring Beethoven's Fifth and creating a unique work for performance at the end of the workshop.

The Workshop will be suitable for all musical enthusiasts (including compete novices!) aged 7 or over (16 & under must be accompanied by an adult throughout), players to bring their instrument (or sing or play percussion).

Participation is free but reservation is necessary, with places allocated on “first come, first served” basis. Apply by midnight Sunday 20th January by email to Beethoven5@bbc.co.uk.

See poster on downstairs noticeboard.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm until Thursday 31st January 2013. Roseangle Café Arts (junction of Roseangle and Perth Road, opposite the Art College) An exhibition of “late works” by Dennis White with works by Louise Pearson and Volker Rosenberg. See poster on downstairs noticeboard; Roseangle Café Arts Facebook page.
Wednesday 23rd January 2013, 12 noon Barnhill St Margaret's Church, Invermark Terrace, Broughty Ferry Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service, which can be followed by lunch at the weekly café in the Halls. A warm welcome is given to all.
Thursday 24th January 2013, 7.30pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Worship Group: a warm welcome is given to ALL interested in worship. Consideration will be given to our marking of Lent (Ash Wednesday is 13th February), Holy Week and Easter.
Any comments or suggestions on worship may be given to 'tricia Laurie, any Preacher, or Church Steward at any time.
Friday 25th January 2013, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. A choice of soups (including a vegetarian option), bread and cheese, followed by coffee or tea is available, and a donation of £2 (or more!) is invited to support the work of Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to partake of the food and fellowship, whilst thinking of others worldwide.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in January for work in Ukraine.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • Publishing Department at the Bible Society of Egypt as it adapts to the changing situation in the country;
  • 6 on-going Bible translation projects in China;
  • completion last November of the South Africa Bible Society's first-ever Bible in isiNdbele -this means that the Bible is now available in all 11 official languages;
  • completion of translator training by over 120 students in Latin America.

SBS Bible a Month Calendar

Further updates on 2012 Bible a Month featured projects:

  • Costa Rica (February): people with limited or no sight have the opportunity to read Braille scriptures at public libraries; there are plans for librarians' workshops, training for employers, and setting up of support groups for parents of children with impaired vision and for the children themselves.
  • Scotland (August): Bibleworld Mobile visited communities from Eyemouth to Ayr, Bearsden to the Black Isle, receiving positive feedback from teachers and children.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Friday 15th March (7pm) to Saturday 16th March (6pm) St Cuthbert's Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh Church of Scotland Music Group and Panel on Mission and Discipleship's Different Voices National Music Event 2013
Further details / booking; email enquiriesDV@cofscotland.org.uk
Friday 12th April 2013 Blairgowrie Methodist Church Concert: Grahame Wright and Friends will entertain with a variety of music. Please make a note of the date.
7th - 10th July 2013 John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh 5th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality, organised by Faith in Older People and MHA.
The programme will include Master Classes, workshops, academic papers and presentations on projects, for which proposals are invited by 31st January.
Conference website, including booking form.

Prayer Points for this week

  • Methodist Council meeting, Monday - Tuesday;
  • our ecumenical partners locally, nationally, and globally;
  • pilots in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, often uniting separated family members (Mission Aviation Fellowship);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in China, Korea, and Laos;
  • Coptic Evangelical Organisation for Social Services (CEOSS) enabling small business enterprises in Egypt (Embrace);
  • projects in the Darlington District (Methodist Homes);
  • partnership with churches in Great Britain and Ireland (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Ukraine;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in South Essex (Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District) and in Findochty (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).