17 February 2013
Lent 1
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
The Season of Lent commences this week on Ash Wednesday when Broughty Ferry Churches Group extend a warm welcome to the Ecumenical Service of Ashes in Our Lady of Good Counsel, Westfield Road, Broughty Ferry, at 7.30pm.
Broughty Ferry Churches Group and Dundee City Centre Churches have arranged the following weekly Study Groups, to which a warm welcome is extended:
“Ecumenical Lenten Study Groups Tuesdays at 7.15 for 7.30pm in Meadowside St Paul's Hall Complex (turn left on entry to the Lower Hall, the usual place of our meeting).
The theme this year is “Fit for Purpose” - A Lenten Course in Spiritual Health. This may be purchased at www.kevinmayhew.com or better still through the CLC bookshop. It is adaptable but presents all leaders with a structure from which to work.
We would be delighted to see you at any of our sessions - each Tuesday at the same venue.
Leaders this year are from St Andrews Cathedral, The Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, The High Kirk and MStP's. The Salvation Army has also been invited. The Theme should make for lively ecumenical discussion! All Welcome!”
(Rev Maudeen MacDougall, Meadowside St Paul's)
The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent.
The Monday daytime meeting will be facilitated by Jenny Easson and the evening meetings by representatives of BFCG member churches, with Methodist participation on Wednesday March 20th with St Luke's & Queen Street.
Sunday Worship in Marketgait will include a short common liturgical set of Opening and Closing Responses with Prayer each week, together with the symbolic use of a “Signpost” relating to the Gospel Reading.
As previously intimated by the Worship Group, last year's practice of not decorating the sanctuary area with flowers during Lent and on Palm Sunday will again be followed, sharing the custom of some ecumenical partners; however, there will be an arrangement as usual on the Beechwood Table in the porch. We are grateful for the understanding of those who have previously provided flowers during these weeks.
I-phone users are advised of the provision of short Lenten Prayer texts through the Methodist young people on the One Programme:
“The prayer texts have been written by children and young people from across the Methodist Church. They are intended to inspire other young people embarking on the 46-day spiritual journey of Lent. Mobile phone users can sign up to receive daily prayers by texting LENT on 66777 charged at the standard network rate. The texts will be free to receive.”
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 13th February 2013, 7.30 pm | Our Lady of Good Counsel, Westfield Road, Broughty Ferry | Ecumenical Service of Ashes |
Friday 15th February 2013, 12 noon - 1 pm | YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) | Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. A choice of soups (including a vegetarian option), bread and cheese, followed by coffee or tea is available, and a donation of £2 (or more!) is invited to support the work of Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to partake of the food and fellowship, whilst thinking of others worldwide. |
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in February for work in Fiji.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Monday 18th February 2013, 10.15am-11.45am | St Mary's Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry | Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lenten Study Group. The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent. Facilitated by Jenny Easson. |
Tuesday 19th February 2013, 7.15/7.30pm | Meadowside St Paul's Hall Complex (turn left on entry to the Lower Hall, the usual place of our meeting) | Ecumenical Lenten Study Group. The theme this year is “Fit for Purpose” - A Lenten Course in Spiritual Health. This may be purchased at www.kevinmayhew.com or better still through the CLC bookshop. It is adaptable but presents all leaders with a structure from which to work. Leaders this year are from St Andrews Cathedral, The Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, The High Kirk and MStP's. The Salvation Army has also been invited. The Theme should make for lively ecumenical discussion! |
Wednesday 20th February 2013, 7.30pm to 9pm | New Kirk Small Hall, Queen Street | Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lenten Study Group. The theme will be “This is our Story: Journeys of Faith”, using material from CTBI (including downloadable pdfs of the materials), also to be the basis of BBC Radio Services (Radio 4 and Local Radio stations) in Lent. Facilitated by representatives of BFCG member churches. |
Saturday 23rd February 2013, 10am to 4pm | Caird Hall, Dundee | Sponsored Organathon. Six hours of constant organ playing to raise money for the Friends of the Caird Hall Organ. Sponsor one particular organist, or make a donation at the door. |
Saturday 9th March 2013, 1 pm | St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, High Street, Dundee | Saturday Lunchtime Concert given by Svitlana Esplin, piano. Tickets - adults: £4; concessions: £3; schoolchildren: free - available at the door. coffee/tea served after each concert, with the chance to meet the performers. |
Sunday 10th March 2013, 6 pm | Blairgowrie Methodist Church | Circuit Service with the President of Conference Rev Dr Mark Wakelin |
Tuesday 12th March to Saturday 16th March at 7.30pm, with matinees at 2.30pm on the Wednesday and Saturday | MacRobert Theatre, University of Stirling | “Carousel”, to be presented by Stirling and Bridge of Allan Operatic Society. Book online, see poster and booking information on noticeboard or contact Jan Higgins, tel: 01786 821677; mobile 07811 055684. |
Friday 12th April 2013 | Blairgowrie Methodist Church | Concert: Grahame Wright and Friends will entertain with a variety of music. Please make a note of the date. |
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