25 August 2013
Next Sunday 1 September 2013
Covenant Sunday
- 10.45 am
- “early singing” - 'tricia Laurie
- 11 am
- Worship, including the annual Covenant Service with
an Act of Rededication of Pastoral Visitors and Holy Communion,
conducted by the Rev Mary Patterson
- Communion Offering for the
Methodist Relief and Development Fund
- 6 pm
- Welcome Service for the Rev John Butterfield,
Scott Street Methodist Church, Perth
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
District Welcome Service
Everyone is warmly invited to the Service being arranged to
say “Welcome” to our in-coming Chair of Synod, the Rev Dr David P Easton.
This will be held at 2pm on Saturday in Perth Methodist Church and will be followed
by refreshments and informal fellowship.
Link Club Stall at Rotary Event
“The Club has again been given the opportunity
by Rotary Dundee to take a stall in the city centre on Saturday.
The Club would be grateful for items suitable to sell on the stall.
Books, unwanted gifts, bric-a-brac, unopened toiletries,
jewellery, toys, are some possibilities. The stall will
be varied. A box has been placed under the leaflet table
in the upstairs Vestibule to receive donations for the stall.
can provide more information. Many thanks!”
NB Use will be made of the downstairs vestry during this week
for storing and sorting goods. Access to the phone / desk will
be maintained. The Link Club is grateful for the agreement to
and support of Church friends in this.
Prayer Handbooks
The ordered Prayer Handbooks for 2013-14 have arrived
and copies may be collected from Jenny to whom payment
should be made. There is currently one unallocated large print
copy. The cost for ordinary print copies is £3.15 and for
large print £3.50.
Preaching Plan
The Preaching Plan for September-November has been distributed
by email. Named print copies can be collected from the glass-top
table, where there are also extra un-named copies. Please contact
Jenny and David if you wish to be added to a distribution
list or for more print copies.
Broughty Ferry Churches Group news
- St Margaret's Café: Lunches / afternoon teas are served
Barnhill St Margaret's hall on Wednesdays from 12.30 pm to 4pm.
- Christian Aid Soup Lunches will resume on Friday 6th September
in the
YMCA, Brook Street, from 12 noon.
- The next meeting of the representatives on the
Broughty Ferry Churches Group will be on Thursday 5th September
at 10.30am in
New Kirk small hall.
Incorporation of Broughty Ferry
into Dundee
As part
of the Ferry's marking of the Centenary of its Incorporation
into Dundee as from 4th November 1913
- A United Service will be held on Sunday 3rd November at 6pm
Broughty New Kirk.
- It is proposed
that individual Ferry churches hold displays and “open
days” in connection with the Centenary and that a “Church
Trail” be publicised.
- There will be a Public Lecture
by Dr Chris Davey in St Marys' Episcopal Church.
Further information
to come in due course.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 28th August 2013, 10am to 11.30am
Blairgowrie Methodist Church |
Coffee Morning. The support of Circuit friends is
always much appreciated and a warm welcome given to all who come. |
Saturday 31st August 2013, 2pm |
Perth Methodist Church, Scott Street |
Service of Welcome for the
Rev Dr David P Easton, the incoming Chair of the Scotland Synod.
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Support the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in August for
work in Zambia. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- increased Scripture distribution in Croatia, despite the effects of recession; also progress on new translation and promotional work;
- work of the Bulgarian Bible Society among marginalised people, including those with visual disabilities, children in orphanages, and prisoners; also translation work aimed at people with no church connection;
- meeting of SBS finance staff on Thursday.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Monday 2nd September 2013, 10am to 4pm
Central Baptist premises,
Ward Road, Dundee
Workplace Chaplaincy Introduction Day
This event is offered to those interested or involved in
workplace chaplaincy, a rapidly expanding area of Christian
service. A light lunch will be provided. For further details or to book, contact Mrs Catriona Parkinson:
info.wpcscotland@gmail.com tel: 0131 441 2271.
Friday 4th October 2013, 10am to 3pm
Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street,
Glasgow G2 4HZ
and Homelessness - a reflection.”, a seminar organised by
Scottish Churches Housing Action.
More information, including
booking form.
Saturday 2nd November 2013, 10am to 4pm
St Andrew's and St George's Church,
13 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PA
Fresh Expressions: Vision Day.
This “ecumenical exploration and celebration
of fresh expressions of church” will take place.
Cost - £12, including refreshments and lunch.
Registration form.
Tuesday 5th November 2013, 11am to 4pm
Perth Methodist Church, Scott Street
“Inviting People to Stay”
This District Event will focus on follow-up from 'Back to Church Sunday' contacts.
Michael Harvey will lead the seminar; refreshments and lunch
will be provided. For further details see poster on notice board,
contact Rev Martin Keenan: tel: 01542 831176; 07921 540 170;
Prayer Points for this week
- preparations for the new Connexional Year, from 1st September;
- Methodist Ministers now “sitting down” as
- 'the UK Team', supporters, & recruitment of new staff (
Mission Aviation
- The
Leprosy Mission's work in Bangladesh;
- residents and staff in the Cornwall District (Methodist Homes);
- the new leadership at the
Princess Basma Centre, Jerusalem (Embrace);
- Greenbelt Christian
Festival's 40th anniversary week (Christian Aid);
- Bible Society work in Zambia;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
- we remember fellow Methodists in
York (York and Hull District) and in Alexandria (Glasgow Circuit).