Dundee Methodist Church

13 November 2011

Next Sunday
20 November 2011

11 am
Worship led by Mr Keith Pearson

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Gift Aid thanks

Thanks are expressed to all who contribute through the Gift Aid Scheme and to Cliff Foster for its administration. The Treasurer has just learned that the latest amount to be received (ie for the last tax year) was £6567.55, which is a wonderful addition to our finances. It means he can pay the November Circuit Assessment without worry!

Circuit Meeting

The specially convened OPEN CIRCUIT MEETING will take place in Dundee at 7pm on Wednesday November 23rd. There will be discussion on the future life and working of the Circuit and District, including a report from each of the Circuit's five churches. Sandy Laurie will present 'the Dundee view' following last week's lunchtime discussion. Encouragement is given to as many as possible to attend this important meeting. If you are unable to attend, please make your views known to the Minister or any member of the Circuit Meeting (Dundee members are Tom P, Heather, Alan, David E, 'tricia and Lorna).

Meetings this week

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in November for work in Egypt. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • funding of continuing translation of the Bible into modern Estonian;
  • a service to mark the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, in Westminster Abbey, on Wednesday;
  • translation of Scriptures into various Aboriginal languages in Australia, also production and impact of audio versions;
  • ongoing translation work in East Timor into the Fataluku and Tetun languages.

About “BibleLands”

BibleLands is a registered Charity (No 1076329), which seeks to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Middle East. Their work is done in partnership with local Christians, focussing on education, health care and community development.

The Patrons include Baroness Kathleen Richardson of Carlow, a former President of the Methodist Conference.

BibleLands focuses on the Middle East for a number of reasons:

  • its own long-term knowledge of the region
  • as a strategically vital part of the world
  • as the place where three of the world's great religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) were born and today co-exist (uneasily and occasionally violently)
  • as an area where the small and rapidly diminishing Christian minority is at great risk
  • the Christian minority's faith has traditionally been expressed through social action - Western Christian support is much needed and much valued
  • the area is one in which great suffering continues.

See www.biblelands.org.uk; contact Head Office - 24 London Road West, Amersham. HP7 0EZ, tel: 01494 897950.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 14th November 2011, 7 pm University of Abertay Dundee Inter Faith Association Annual General Meeting. A warm welcome and invitation to attend is extended to all interested.
Wednesday 16th November 2011, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Worship Group open meeting; a warm welcome is given to all interested in our worship life. Discussion will include planning for the Advent / Christmas season and looking ahead to the Café Service at the end of January. Any suggestions, comments, material or offers to participate in worship may be made to 'tricia Laurie (Convener), the Minister, a Dundee Local Preacher or Church Steward. People willing to read the Scripture passages in Sunday worship are asked to contact Jenny Easson.
Thursday 17th November 2011, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Bible Reading Group
Friday 18th November 2011, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. Soup (choice from 3 or more) is served with bread & cheese, followed by coffee (plus occasional shortbread!) for £2, in support of this ecumenical aid, relief and development charity. A warm welcome is given to all to come and share food and fellowship regularly or from time to time.
Saturday 19th November 2011, 9.30am to 4pm St Mary's Centre, Kinnoull, Perth “Volunteering in Faith: Obligation or Joy?”
An invitation is extended to ecumenical partners to this Conference organised by the Scottish Episcopal Church's Church in Society Committee. The Keynote Speaker, Anne Morrissey, is a free-lance community theologian, lecturer and author, who has worked in the social responsibility field for many years. There will also be interactive and creative workshops on aspects of volunteering.
Booking now closed.
Saturday 19th November 2011, 9.30am to 4pm St Peter's Free Church, St Peter Street, Dundee SOLAS Conference, on the theme “Being Human”, with speakers addressing issues of Human Freedom, Human Communication, and Human Sexuality. There will also be four seminars on topics as “Discovering your Community” and “Everyday Evangelism - living the missional life”. See www.solas-cpc.org or contact Tom Penman.
Saturday 19th November 2011, 10am - 1pm Broughty Ferry New Kirk, New Kirk Halls, (Queen St / St Vincent St) Broughty Ferry New Kirk Christmas Fayre
Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 23rd November 2011, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church Open Circuit Meeting
Saturday 26th November 2011, 1 pm St Paul's Cathedral, 1 High Street, Dundee Music at St Paul's Cathedral: the weekly series of lunchtime concerts continues with music by Joseph Fleetwood (piano). Tickets - £4 / £3 / £2 at the door; refreshments after. See poster on noticeboard or www.stpaulscathedraldundee.org.
Sunday 11th December 2011, 7pm to 4pm Caird Hall, Dundee Dundee Choral Union Christmas Concert, including Fauré's “Requiem” and seasonal works by Poulenc, Finzi, and Vaughan Williams, plus a selection of Christmas carols. Tickets are available from David Easson, Denise & Andy Jackson or from the Caird Hall at the door on the night.
Friday 27th - Sunday 29th January 2012 to 4pm North Road Methodist Church, Durham National Methodist Students' Conference 2012 on the theme 8220;Being followers of Jesus”. Speakers are to include Eunice Attwood (who joined in leading our worship during her Vice-Presidential year), Ruth Gee (Chair of the Darlington District), and Roger Walton (Chair of the West Yorkshire District). For details of venue, price & “what to bring”, see www.durhammethsoc.webs.com. Mary Patterson also has details.
31 March - 8 April 2012 Various routes to Lindisfarne Northern Cross Pilgrimage Lindisfarne. Planning is well under way for the 2012 Easter Pilgrimage, described as an “ecumenical long walk for worship, prayer and fellowship”. It has had a traditional appeal among student populations, but no doubt is supported also more widely! To learn more or register - individually or as a group - contact northcross@northerncross.co.uk or (for tweeters) http://twitter.com/northerncross,co,uk or (for Facebook users) http:// www.facebook.com/northern.cross.pilgrimage.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference with the Army Chaplains, Monday;
  • Connexional Support Group, Thursday - Friday;
  • Scotland Relief and Extension Fund Trustees meeting, Monday;
  • ecumenical partner churches within our Circuit's area;
  • projects in the Bolton & Rochdale District (Methodist Homes);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Burma / Myanmar, Thailand;
  • sanitation projects including partner Maji na Ufanisi in the community of Matopeni, Kenya (Christian Aid) - Saturday is World Toilet Day;
  • Mission Aviation Fellowship work in Tanzania;
  • St Andrew's Refugee Services, Egypt (BibleLands);
  • Bible Society work in Sri Lanka;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Republic of Congo, Gabon, SÃo Tomé and Principe (WCC Ecumenical Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Brighton and Hove Circuit (South-East District) and in Alexandria (Glasgow Circuit)