12 June 2011
Pentecost: “District Discipleship Week”
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Envelopes in support of the work of Methodist Homes are available today for return in the offering plate in coming weeks.
Jim McGovern MP (Dundee West) draws attention to his previous campaign to encourage those eligible from World War Two service to apply for a Veteran Lapel Badge and the UK Merchant Seafarers Badge. In addition, there may still be ex-miners eligible for the unique Bevin Boys Badge, and a new scheme has been introduced “to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the Women's Land Army and the Women's Timber Corps”.
Please see the vestibule table for application forms, or contact Mr McGovern (tel 01382 322100; e-mail mcgovernj@parliament.uk; or see www.jimmcgovern.co.uk.
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Tuesday 7th June, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm | Solas Centre, St Peter Street, Dundee | Life of Jesus - from the DVD. For DVD preview, see www.lifeofjesus.tv. |
Tuesday 7th June, 7.30 pm | Dundee Methodist Church, “L” | Worship Group : an invitation is extended to all interested in our worship life to join in sharing with otherss. Comments / feedback / suggestions about worship may be made at any time through 'tricia Laurie, the Minister, any Local Preacher or Church Steward. |
Friday 10th to Sunday 12th June, 7.30 pm | Royal Concert Hall Glasgow | Praise Gathering 2011: “400 voices drawn from over 250 Scottish churches”. See leaflets on vestibule table or www.praisegathering.org.uk |
Saturday 11th June, 10.30 am to 3.45 pm | Central Baptist Church, Ward Road, Dundee | “Together in Mission” : District Resourcing Day. The Day will explore the role of small groups in deepening discipleship, as part of “Deepening Discipleship Week”. It is suggested that Sunday worship in the Week also focuses on “discipleship”. For more details of the Day and Week see www.methodistchurchinscotland.org.uk or the Resourcing Day leaflet (copies on the Vestibule table). |
Saturday 11th June, 4 pm | St Luke's & Queen Street Church, Broughty Ferry | Broughty Ferry Churches Group Pentecost Celebration. A warm invitation is given to all to this ecumenical gathering. Among planned items are “Cinema, Treasure Hunt, Camping & Barbecue”; come, join in, enjoy! |
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in June for work in Nepal. See noticeboard in library area for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn to
As Jean's successor as SBS link person, Jenny receives the supply of the SBS magazines. It would help to know who still wishes to have the magazine or of new people who might wish a regular copy (eg those attending the two Bible Groups).
If you have been receiving a copy (from Jean / Jenny) please take a copy of the Spring 2011 edition from the pile on the Vestibule table and sign the paper.
If you also wish to be given a copy in future, please sign and indicate accordingly.
Jenny will re-assess the list at the end of June and, if necessary, order more. Thanks!
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Tuesday 14th June, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm | Solas Centre, St Peter Street, Dundee | Life of Jesus - from the DVD. For DVD preview, see www.lifeofjesus.tv. |
Thursday 16th June, 7.30 pm | Dundee Methodist Church, “L” | Bible Reading Group |
Saturday 18th June, 7.30 pm | Central Baptist Church, Ward Road, Dundee | 6th/8th Dundee Boys Brigade's Belgian Visitors : “The Lions Rampant” concert. See e-mail on table, poster on noticeboard. |
Saturday 18th June, 7.30 pm | Usher Hall, Edinburgh | Praise Gathering 2011: “400 voices drawn from over 250 Scottish churches”. See leaflets on vestibule table or www.praisegathering.org.uk |
Wednesday 22nd June 2011, 7.30 pm | Dundee Methodist Church | Church Council (if required) |
Saturday 25th June 2011, 10 am | Dundee Methodist Church | General Church Meeting |
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