24 July 2011
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Heather Dean will facilitate our worship on Sunday 31st July on the theme “Holidays”. She has intimated that it would be helpful if you would look out and bring a photo / postcard / small memento of a holiday or “day out” about which you could share your memories during conversation round the tables.
Those present on Tuesday discussed
Orders will be placed soon for the new Handbook, “Run the Race” (likely price £3.20 to include p&p); please sign the sheet on the Vestibule table, indicating if a “large print” copy is required.
If you wish to place an order for the new hymnbook, launched at Conference, this can be included in the Order being sent for the Prayer Handbook (and other items).
“Singing the Faith” is being produced in the following formats:
These will be available from September and the full prices charged after December. Please let Jenny Easson have details if you wish her to place an order for you.
If there are other items which might be included in this order advise Jenny about these too.
Sue Marshall-Jennings was to have walked across hot coals last Friday as part of a fundraising sponsored event for her workplace. She also thought of raising some funds for the Link Club by inviting donations to the Link Club in support of her “crazy act”! If anyone would like to give money, please do so via Lorna Dewar or Jenny Easson.
We have been advised that the Salvation Army has now arranged to use the Lochee Baptist Church premises for worship on Sunday mornings as this is a more suitable time for their members. Their final service in Marketgait will be today (July 17th).
“They offer their very sincere thanks to the Methodist congregation for coming to their rescue so quickly and willingly.”
This year, Methodist Conference meeting in Southport, adopted a Statement accepting the above (2009) Report.
A webpage has been launched - www.methodist.org.uk/co2 - on how to reduce the carbon footprint of small, medium and large churches. The guidance will help to cut the Methodist Church's carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 in line with Government targets.
A report to the Methodist Conference last year revealed that the Methodist Church in Britain has a carbon footprint of around 120,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum for approximately 8,000 of its buildings.
The Joint Public Issues Team for the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union is lobbying the government on its climate change policy and has called for emissions from international aviation and shipping to be taken into account in international targets.
Churches are also encouraged to start up eco-congregations: an environmental programme for local churches in Britain and Ireland.
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Tuesday 21st July 2011, 7.30 pm | Dundee Methodist Church, “B” | Bible Reading Group |
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in July for work in Russia.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
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