The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland
- for young people aged 12-18 -
outdoor pursuits, chill time, group discussion, worship.
For more information please e-mail and see the
Centre's website.
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference -
Speakers and topics:
John Lennox - “The Apologetic of Science”
Ravi Zacharias - “The Ultimate Apologetic - Jesus Christ”
Stuart McAllister - “Is Apologising the best way to spread the Gospel?”
David Robertson - “Give me Scotland or I die”
For full details and registration form, see new Solas
website:; tickets £10 - if fully
booked, see Tom Penman who may have a spare ticket!
Prayer Points for this week
Connexional Strategy and Resources C'ttee, Boards & AGMs of Methodist Ministers' and Lay Staff Pension Schemes, Tuesday;
pending visits of Pope Benedict XVI and the WCC Executive;
Perth Church Council Monday;
Arbroath Pastoral Committee Wednesday;
Rev Benson Chongo on a course in Birmingham during the week and Christine remaining in Scone;
International Literacy Day, Wednesday (Christian Aid);
Joint Christian Committee for Social Service in Lebanon (BibleLands);
staff and residents in homes in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands (Methodist Homes);
Bible Society work in Panama;
The Leprosy Mission's work in south-east India;
we pray with and for the peoples of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia (WCC Prayer Calendar);
we remember fellow Methodists in the Wigan Circuit (Bolton and Rochdale District) and in Inverness (Inverness Circuit).