Dundee Methodist Church

10 October 2010

Next Sunday: 17 October 2010

11 am
Worship led by the Rev Gerald Bostock

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Methodist Relief and Development Fund Envelopes

Our support for MRDF is invited through donations, Gift-Aided where possible. Envelopes, distributed for Harvest, can be placed in the offertory plate today or in coming Sundays.

Parking near Marketgait

Dundee University Car Parks' charging hours include Saturdays and Sundays as from 1st October 2010 and this will be enforced at weekends.

Café Service - Jenny's Request

“I hope to be able to lead worship at the Café Service on 31st October. To ensure that preparations are well in hand, both for myself or a colleague Preacher if needed, I aim to put together an outline / “script” in the coming weeks. If you are willing to take part (material available), please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!”

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 11th October 2010, 10.30 am Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Plan-making Group
Friday 15th October, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. Soup - a good selection each week - is served with bread & cheese, followed by coffee for £2, in support of this ecumenical aid, relief and development charity. The lunches last year raised over £2,000 for Christian Aid. A warm welcome is given to all to come and share food and fellowship regularly or from time to time.
Saturday 16th October 2010, 10.45 am to 12.45 pm Perth Methodist Church, Scott Street Open meeting of Synod - following the decision of Conference that there be wider reflection and consultation on the Leading and Presiding Briefing paper (pdf 484kb) and following the recent Scotland District Synod, there will be a meeting open to all. To see a hard copy of the Report or for further information, contact Synod members (Mary Patterson, David & Jenny Easson, Keith Pearson, Tom Penman).
Saturday 16th October 2010, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm Royal Ivy Hotel, Henderson Street, Bridge of Allan “Celebrate Volunteering” : an invitation has come from our ecumenical “EMU” partners in the Scottish Episcopal Church to this event. There is no charge and lunch will be provided. For details, contact Jenny Easson and for (late) registration contact the Very Rev Ian D Barcroft (via SEC Office: 0131 225 6357).

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Daily Prayers are said in the Chapel from 9 am to 9.15 am; Network members are particularly asked to join with many others on Wednesdays (see leaflets on noticeboard & table).

Prayers are invited this week for meetings and events in the House including Ecumenical Officers (Thursday - Friday) and the Cursillo Weekend (Friday - Sunday).

We are invited to prayerfully remember the House staff and to give thanks that Shakila Saparamadu has been able to return to the House from Sri Lanka for a further period as a Volunteer.

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited for work in October in Mozambique. See noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • meeting of the 2011 Trust tomorrow (Monday) in London to finalise events for next year's 400th anniversary of the King James Bible;
  • new locations and partners for the Bibleworld mobile classroom - launched 5 years ago;
  • celebration of 60 years of Bible Society work in Hong Kong, use of the long-awaited Revised Chinese Union Version Bible;
  • new focus on translation work in Japan;
  • 3rd Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, where 400 World Church leaders will focus on evangelism;
  • Bible Society work in Albania, using a Bible for Orthodox Church children and a youth Bible.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 23rd October 2010 PGL, Dalguise, Dunkeld PH8 0JX The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland - for young people aged 12-18 - outdoor pursuits, chill time, group discussion, worship. For more information please e-mail bigdayout@methodistchurchinscotland.org.uk and see the Centre's website.
Monday 25th October 2010, from 9 am Marryat Hall, within Caird Hall complex Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”. See Off Scams : advice and practical information to help deal with bogus visitors and communication.
9 am to 12 noon (for groups' reps) and 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm, including talks by Tayside Police and Victim Support at 2 pm and 2.30 pm. For more information or to book a place, contact Laura McDermott at laura.mcdermott@dundeecity.gov.uk or phone (01382) 436260.
Saturday 30th October 2010, 8 am to 10 am St Peter's Free Church, (off) Perth Road, Dundee “So this is Christmas” Breakfast discussion. More information
Tuesday 9th November 2010, 7.15 pm Hilton Hotel, Earl Grey Place, Dundee “With God on our Side” : In the context of the call of the Methodist Conference to develop our awareness of the complexities and sensitivities of Israeli-Palestinian relationships and the Middle East more generally, the Rev Mary Patterson and Tom Penman draw our attention to the showing of this film. There will be opportunity after to question the Director, Porter Speakman. Poster.
Wednesday 10th November 2010, 12 noon (lunch-bring your own food) to 2 pm St Peter's Free Church, (off) Perth Road, Dundee “Israel and the Church”: Bible Study. An opportunity for study and discussion. More information
Saturday 20th November 2010, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm St Peter's Free Church, (off) Perth Road, Dundee “ Out of the Silent Church” Conference - Speakers and topics:
  • John Lennox - “The Apologetic of Science”
  • Ravi Zacharias - “The Ultimate Apologetic - Jesus Christ”
  • Stuart McAllister - “Is Apologising the best way to spread the Gospel?”
  • David Robertson - “Give me Scotland or I die”

For full details and registration form, see new Solas website: www.solas-cpc.co.uk; tickets £10 - if fully booked, see Tom Penman who may have a spare ticket!

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President and Vice-President of Conference in the Newcastle District from Friday;
  • Methodist Council and URC Mission Council, Wed-Fri;
  • The SEC Diocese of Brechin as Bishop John Mantle retires for health reasons;
  • our Circuit and Church Treasurers;
  • the Mali Folkecenter's work on environmental protection and access to clean water (Christian Aid);
  • development of new projects (Methodist Homes);
  • The Sheepfold's care for severely disabled children (BibleLands);
  • Bible Society work in Mozambique;
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in India;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Bolton Mission Circuit (Bolton and Rochdale District) and all in Granton Local Ecumenical Partnership (Edinburgh and Forth Circuit).