Dundee Methodist Church

2 May 2010

Next Sunday: 9 May 2010

11 am
Worship led by Mrs Heather Dean (NB change)

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.


Please note that Ministerial pastoral care for the whole Circuit will be the responsibility of the Rev Mary Patterson up to and including Wednesday.

“Edinburgh 2010”

To commemorate the centenary of the Edinburgh 1910 Mission Conference, which is looked on as the formative event for much ecumenical mission work worldwide, a Conference is taking place in Edinburgh from 2nd - 6th June. To help the impact of this event spread within and beyond its host city, a prayer bookmark has been issued - a number are available on the Vestibule table. Please take and use to pray for those preparing for this event, also for gatherings which aim not only to remember but to take forward the work of the Church world-wide.

See www.scot2010.org.uk or www.edinburgh2010.org.


Please note that next week's will be a multi-week issue, ie there will be no news-sheet on Sundays 16th or 23rd May. Information for the period from 16th May to 30th May should be with the editors as soon as possible, please.

“Breakout” for the weekend and beyond 2010 : connect

This weekend event, held under the auspices of the Methodist Church, will take place in Cliff College, Derbyshire, from 9th - 11th July as an event

  • open to all young people, between 11 & 23;
  • to be an inspiration, resource and challenge to explore and express the Christian faith;
  • that values, supports and equips young people;
  • to complement, resource and enhance work in the local setting;
  • with a theme, this year, of “connect”.

Booking is through groups, not on an individual basis, but young people can be linked together through Circuits, Districts or ecumenical groups. There is consideration being given into possible arrangements for young people in churches in Scotland where there are not formal “youth groups”.

For more details see posters on downstairs noticeboard or www.breakout2010.info. Also ask Tom P about possible arrangements in Scotland.

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 6th May, 7.30 pm the Phillips' Small (Fellowship) Group. “This week we will be looking at when Christ returned to heaven after the resurrection and what Paul says about it in his letter to the Ephesians”. All welcome - contact Tom P for more details.
Friday 7th May, 9.30 am to 1 pm, followed by lunch Social Work Offices, Balmerino Road, Dundee DD4 8RP Partnership in Practice - Review Event: Have Your Say. Under the auspices of Dundee City Council and NHS Tayside, there is opportunity to “let us know what you think about services in Dundee to People with Learning Disabilities and their Families”.
There will also be information about “Keeping Safe, Community and Home Safety, and Adult Support and Protection”.
To book a place and lunch contact Jenny Hill - (01382) 438427; email jenny.hill@dundeecity.gov.uk.
Friday 7th May, 12 noon - 1.30 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. Soup - a good selection each week - is served with bread & cheese, followed by coffee for £2, in support of this ecumenical aid, relief and development charity. There is also opportunity for meeting old friends and making new ones. A warm welcome is extended to Ferry Folk, people popping out from Dundee, and other visitors.
Saturday 8th May, 10 am - 12 noon Barnhill St Margaret’s Church, Invermark Terrace, Broughty Ferry (map) Christian Aid Coffee Morning; all welcome, tickets £2.
Sunday 9th May, 6.30 pm Dundee West Church, Perth Road (top of Roseangle, opposite College of Art) Choral Concert by the Samuel Chorus, including 'Jesu meine Freude' by J S Bach and works by Schubert, Bruckner, Tallis and Rachmaninoff. Suggested donation £6, including tea / coffee afterwards - proceeds in aid of Dundee West Coffee Shop (SCO17136). See poster on noticeboard.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Prayers are invited this week for meetings and events in the House, including 'Painting is Poetry' (Sunday to Wednesday) and “Grasping Nettles” (Wednesday).

We are asked to remember Carol Stobie and her family as they leave Dunblane after her period as Director of the House, also the Rev Bobby Anderson and Mrs Lynn Whitehead, Directors of World Exchange based at St Colm's International House in Edinburgh, currently acting in a voluntary capacity as Interim Directors.

Please also note the proposed celebration of the House's Jubilee with a Birthday Open Day on Saturday 17th July. All are invited, whether users and visitors often in the House or those wishing to see round for the first time.

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited for work in May for work in Kazakhstan. See noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • celebration this year of the bi-centenary of Bible Society work in India;
  • use of the Bible in Simple Nepali;
  • re-launch of Scripture Selections for pastoral use - the work involved and obtaining of financial resourcing;
  • distribution in Romania of printed and audio editions of the new inter-church translation of the New Testament;
  • United Bible Societies Day of Prayer next Sunday.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 15th May, 3 pm St Paul's Cathedral, 1 High Street, Dundee Music at St Paul's: Jeanne You - piano. Tickets £3 adults / £2 children - tea & coffee served after. See poster on noticeboard, www.stpaulscathedraldundee.org.
Saturday 5th June, 7.30 pm St Paul's Cathedral, 1 High Street, Dundee Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers “Singing for Pleasure” at a charity concert in aid of Dundee Barnado's. Tickets £7 / children £3, from Mrs V McEwen (phone 01382 641060) or at the door; refreshments provided.
Saturday 20th November 2010 St Peter's Free Church, 4 St Peter Street, Perth Road (map) www.stpeters-dundee.org.uk/ Solas - Centre For Public Christianity Dundee. Launch conference - a day of apologetics and defending the facts of the Christian faith. Speakers will include Ravi Zacharias, Michael Ramsden, Amy Orr-Ewing and David Robertson. Places can be booked now, please speak to Tom P. for more details.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President and Vice-President of Conference in the Plymouth & Exeter District this week;
  • Scottish Churches House Interim Board meeting, Saturday;
  • taking forward of Synod decisions and discussions;
  • purchase of new Manse in the environs of Perth;
  • implications of General Election outcome on global poverty and environmental issues (Christian Aid);
  • The Al-KafaÂt Foundation new village complex in Lebanon to provide for people with cerebral palsy (BibleLands);
  • projects in the Southampton District (Methodist Homes);
  • The Leprosy Mission's research work;
  • Bible Society work in Kazakhstan;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Sudan and Uganda (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Upper Thames Circuit (Bristol District) and in Armadale (Central Scotland Circuit).