27 June 2010
Next Sunday: 4 July 2010
- 11 am
- Worship led by the Rev Jean Murrie
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Methodist Homes
Envelopes in support of Methodist Homes are available for return in the offertory plate today or in forthcoming weeks.
General Church Meeting
The annual General Church Meeting will be held on Saturday
10th July - coffee at 10 am for 10.30 am start to c 12 noon.
EVERYONE is invited for both the necessary formal business
(elections of Church Stewards, representatives to Church
Council, Communion Stewards) and a time of exploration of
our shared life and calling as Methodists centred in Dundee.
The meeting will also include expression of Dundee's
farewell and good wishes to the Rev David Firth whose ministry
is to continue in Carlisle and the Cumbria District from September.
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Sunday 27th June 2010, 7 pm |
St Athernase Parish Church, Schoolhill, Leuchars |
“Music for a Summer Evening” - by Ross Knight
and friends in aid of the National Youth Orchestra of Great
Britain |
Tuesday 29th June, 7.30 pm |
the Phillips' |
Fellowship Group
Saturday 3rd July 2010, 9.30 for 10 am |
Scottish Churches House |
International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”,
to celebrate the centenary of the 1910 Edinburgh
Conference. Cost £25.
For further details please see the notice board,
Summer School site or
contact SCH (01786 823588).
Sunday 4th July 2010, 5.15 pm |
Castle Green, Broughty Ferry |
Broughty Ferry Churches Group is this year to participate
in the annual Gala by having a stall at the Gala Event. There
will also be a 45-minute “Songs of Praise” for
which our support is (even more warmly) invited - bring
your own seating / wet weather venue is St James' Church.
Offers of help to Kate Green, please.
Support other Organisations
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network
Prayers are invited in coming weeks for meetings and events
in the House, especially the International Theological Summer
School (26th June - 9th July), also Rowan Consultancy,
Epiphany Individual Retreats, Scottish Association of
Chaplains in Healthcare, Birthday Open Day (Saturday 17th July). Continuing prayerful support is also invited for those involved in the on-going SCH governance process.
Scottish Bible Society
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited for work in June for work in Paraguay. See noticeboard for more
Our prayerful attention is drawn this and coming weeks to
- migrants crossing Europe “often neglected, harassed and hated even though fleeing from famine, war and persecution”;
- distribution of Scriptures in Greece;
- schools' ministry project in Malta, also serving of African immigrants;
- reception of free New Testaments by schoolchildren in Cyprus, with plans for similar distribution to army personnel awaiting approval.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Thursday 8th July 2010, 9.30 for 10 am |
Scottish Churches House |
International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”,
to celebrate the centenary of the 1910 Edinburgh
Conference. Cost £25.
For further details please see the notice board,
Summer School site or
contact SCH (01786 823588).
Saturday 10th July, 10.30 am - coffee served from 10 am |
Dundee Methodist Church |
General Church Meeting. There will be election of Church Stewards and
representatives to the Church Council - please consider
this prayerfully and give any nominations to the Rev Mary
Patterson or a Church Steward. |
Prayer Points for this week
- The President (designate) of Conference, Rev Alison Tomlin and the Vice-President (designate), Deacon Eunice Attwood;
- Scotland's representatives at Conference in Portsmouth;
- “Breakout” Youth event;
- the peoples of India (Christian Aid);
- The Four Homes of Mercy, Bethany for disabled people - also outpatient clinic for the West Bank (BibleLands);
- Bible Society work in Paraguay;
- The Leprosy Mission's work in southern Africa;
- presentations at Conference (Methodist Homes);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Mendips (Bristol
District) and in Cullen (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).