Dundee Methodist Church

6 June 2010

Next Sunday: 13 June 2010

11 am
Worship, including Holy Communion, led by the Rev David Firth
Communion Offering for The Benevolence Fund

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

David Firth

Next Sunday will be the last occasion on which Rev David Firth will conduct our worship in Marketgait; thought is being given to an opportunity for “a proper farewell” before he moves to Carlisle.

Umtha Welanga

For those who were not able to contribute to Umtha Welanga (Heather's South African EPP placement) last week, there is an opportunity to do so, via a retiring offering, today.

“Edinburgh 2010”

To commemorate the centenary of the Edinburgh 1910 Mission Conference, a Conference has taken place in Edinburgh this week. Representatives of Scotland's Churches and the wider ecumenical movement will share in the Closing Act of Worship at 3 pm this afternoon in the General Assembly Hall, Edinburgh.

Methodist Homes

Envelopes in support of Methodist Homes are available for return in the offertory plate next Sunday or in forthcoming weeks.

Circuit Meeting Report

“At the Circuit Meeting held on 14th May it was agreed without opposition to accept the recommendation of the Manse Task Group that we purchase a property in Scone which meets all the requirements of a Methodist manse and, after the departure of the Firths, we sell the existing manse in Albany Terrace. If this process is completed in the near future, then it is proposed that we sell the Montrose manse and purchase a replacement manse for the Superintendent Minister in the Broughty Ferry / Dundee area.”

(K Pearson, Senior Circuit Steward)

General Church Meeting - change of date

It has become necessary to alter the date of the annual General Church Meeting because of an unavoidable change to the Rev Mary Patterson's diary for Saturday 19th June. The GCM will now be on Saturday 10th July from 10 am (coffee) to c 11.30 am.

Change to Plan for June-August

Following discussion in this week's Pastoral Committee anent the customary Act of Rededication of Pastoral Visitors during the annual Covent Service, it is suggested that the published Holy Communion for the Café Service on Sunday 29th August does not take place in the light of the (expected) Covenant Service the following week (September 5th). (Jenny Easson, Pastoral Secretary)

Date & timeVenueDetails
Friday 11th June, 7.30 pm (doors open 6 pm) Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh “Heart for Haiti” Worship Event led by Graham Kendrick, Stuart Townsend and others in support of victims of the Haiti earthquake and on-going relief & redevelopment work. Tickets £5 / £1: proceeds to the rebuilding of the Wesleyan Hospital in La Gonave. See details on noticeboard / www.heartforhaiti.co.uk.
Saturday 12th June 2010, 10.30 am to 3.45 pm National Christian Outreach Centre, 28 Glasgow Road, Perth, PH2 ONX District Resourcing Day. This will take the form of an exploration of new models of worship under the leadership of Mike & Sally Bossingham of the Family Friendly Churches Trust. Booking forms on Vestibule table - please return / contact Office immediately if you wish to go!
Saturday 12th June, 1 pm St Paul's Cathedral, 1 High Street, Dundee Music at St Paul's: Aine Balfe - flute, Daniel Dunne - Saxophone, Derek Moylan - Piano. Tickets £3 adults / £2 children - tea & coffee served after. See poster on noticeboard, www.stpaulscathedraldundee.org.
Saturday 12 June, from 2 pm Tay Road Bridge Christian Aid Tay Road Bridge Crossing; see www.christianaid.org.uk/fundraising/walks to register.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Prayers are invited this week for meetings and events in the House, including Handbell Ringing event (this weekend), Rowan Consultancy, Holmehill Committee (Monday), Methodist Church (Tuesday), Citizens Advice training (Tuesday - Thursday), Scottish Churches Council for the Deaf (next weekend).

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited for work in June for work in Paraguay. See noticeboard for more information.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • translation and literacy programmes in Benin;
  • celebration of 50 years of independence in Togo, where a Presidential election is also pending;
  • greater participation in Bible work in Cameroon;
  • Nzebi translation project and Fang Bible revision in Gabon, also distribution of Luke's Gospel in schools and prisons.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 16th June 2010 Dundee Methodist Church Church Council
Saturday 3rd July 2010, 9.30 for 10 am www.scottishchurcheshouse.org International Theological Summer School seminar “Vision for the Future”, to celebrate the centenary of the 1910 Edinburgh Conference. Cost £25. For further details please see the notice board, Summer School site or contact SCH (01786 823588).
Thursday 8th July 2010, 9.30 for 10 am www.scottishchurcheshouse.org International Theological Summer School seminar “Vision for the Future”, to celebrate the centenary of the 1910 Edinburgh Conference. Cost £25. For further details please see the notice board, Summer School site or contact SCH (01786 823588).
17th July 2010 Scottish Churches House, 1 Kirk Street, Dunblane, Perthshire, FK15 0AJ Scottish Churches House Jubilee Birthday Open Day on Saturday 17th July. This will begin with a “Gathering” at 12.15 pm and conclude with a Celebratory Act of Worship in Dunblane Cathedral at 5 pm, with various events during the afternoon & refreshments available. There is no charge but any “birthday gifts” will go towards a House Programme Fund to set up programme events and offer bursaries to individuals. All are invited, whether users and visitors often in the House or those wishing to see round for the first time.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The Vice-President of Conference at “Methodists for World Mission” this weekend;
  • Irish Methodist Conference, next weekend;
  • Disability Sunday - today;
  • Scottish Episcopal Church Synod in Edinburgh this week;
  • “Holiness and Risk” development in our District & Circuit;
  • South Africa during the FIFA World Cup (Christian Aid);
  • Princess Basma Centre's rehabilitation clinics throughout the West Bank (BibleLands);
  • The Leprosy Mission's decision-making structures;
  • Bible Society work in Paraguay;
  • projects in the York and Hull District (Methodist Homes);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Angola and Mozambique (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Frome and throughout Somerset (Bristol District) and in Portessie (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).