Dundee Methodist Church

18 July 2010

Next Sunday: 25 July 2010

11 am
All-age Worship led by Jenny Easson

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Rev David Firth

Following the presentation of a cheque on behalf of Dundee Methodists to the Rev David Firth at the General Church Meeting last Saturday, the following thanks have been received from him by Mary Foster as Senior Church Steward:

Please pass on my grateful thanks to all the members and friends of the church, not only for their act of generosity fully appreciated by me, but also for their kindness and support over years past.

Methodist Homes

Envelopes in support of Methodist Homes are available on the Vestibule table. Please take today and return in the offertory plate as soon as possible.

“Exciting Job Opportunity for a young person”!

As part of the Methodist Church's Youth Participation Strategy, the Scotland Learning & Development Forum is seeking to recruit a young person aged 16-23 to support its work with young people in the District Development, “Holiness and Risk”, and other events specifically for young people. The person appointed will also meet with others across the Methodist Connexion in similar posts.

The post is for 15 hours per week from September 2010 to September 2011.

Applicants need not be Members of the Methodist Church but should be sympathetic with the aims of the Methodist Church and comfortable with being in the company of Christians. Closing date for applications is July 31st, with interviews in Edinburgh on August 10th.

For advertisement, job description & application form, contact Helen Wareing DistAdmin@scottishchurcheshouse.org, see website methodistchurchinscotland.org.uk or ask members of Synod to whom papers may have been forwarded as e-mail attachments.

General Church Meeting Notes

At last Saturday's meeting, following the presentation to the Rev David Firth by the Senior Church Steward, the following business was undertaken:

  1. Appointments were agreed to the offices of:
    • Church Stewards;
    • Communion Stewardss;
    • Representatives on the Church Councils.
  2. Thanks expressed to those demitting office
  3. Financial report given by the Treasurer, drawing attention to an expected decline in budgeted income (for various reasons) and the recent Church Council decision to invite the congregation to
    • consider increases in weekly / monthly offerings (c 10% if at all possible)
    • consider special one-off gifts, possibly for specific items.
    He encouraged everyone to undertake “informed prayer and prayerful action” as they are able.
  4. Preparation of a 'Welcome Pack'.
  5. Conversation took place on “our mission as Methodists based in Dundee City Centre”, introduced by the Rev Mary Patterson. During this, appreciation was expressed to those responsible for the window displays and the website.
  6. Tribute was also paid to Members who had died during the year, the memory of whose lives and witness will continue to be held in treasured affection.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Prayers are invited this week for meetings and events in the House, especially the Royal Schools of Church Music (RSCM) Singing Break (to Thursday), & Epiphany Retreats (Friday - Sunday).

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited for work in July in Syria. See noticeboard for more information.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • launch of the Chikunda New Testament in Zimbabwe, also planned opening of distribution depots;
  • United Bible Society meeting in Turkey to discuss funding of projects round the world;
  • revision of the Lozi Bible and funding provision for the Nkoya Bible in Zambia;
  • production of the 2011 Bible-a-Month Calendar and work supported thereby;
  • expanding work in South Africa - Southern Ndebele Bible, new Afrikaans and Zulu translations.

Friends Of Nablus and Surrounding Areas

Following Andrée Ryan's sharing of her experiences as an Ecumenical Accompanist in Israel-Palestine last year, it has been decided that a Communion Offering be allocated to the above local organization. Methodist Conference in Portsmouth has also passed a Resolution anent the current situation in Israel-Palestine, encouraging our awareness of and support for those affected thereby.

FONSA is a Charitable Trust (SC038502) , created by Trustees linked to Nablus through twinning experiences, to alleviate poverty and further education in Nablus and its surrounding areas. The Trust aims to support the education of young and mature students in a range of courses (plumbing, nursing, IT) as well as university degrees, plant olive and fruit trees in vulnerable villages, provide water tankers for remote villages, whilst looking for new projects in response to local needs and working with other charities and organisations on the ground.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President-designate of Conference, Rev Leo Osborn, and Vice-President-designate, Ruth Pickles, looking a year ahead;
  • Circuits preparing to welcome Ministers and their families;
  • Chaplains to the Forces - this year marks the 150th anniversary of Methodist Forces' chaplaincy;
  • projects, partners and peoples in Afghanistan (Christian Aid);
  • St Andrew's Refugee Services (STARS) working with young refugees in Cairo (BibleLands);
  • Bible Society work in Syria;
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in China, Korea, and Laos;
  • homes, staff and projects in south-east England (Methodist Homes);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Bath and vicinity (Bristol District) and in Portgordon (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).