Dundee Methodist Church

14 February 2010

Next Sunday: 21 February 2010 - Lent 1

11 am
Worship, including the Sacrament of Holy Communion, conducted by the Rev Gerald Bostock; Communion Offering for Methodist Homes

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Lent Observance

Our prayerful and active support is invited as we share a Lenten journey of faith with fellow Christians in and beyond Dundee:

  • Dundee City Centre
  • Broughty Ferry Churches Group
    • Ash Wednesday Service of Ashes. Our Lady of Good Counsel, Westfield Road at 7.30 pm;
    • Lent meetings each week thereafter, hosted in and led by BFCG member churches using CTBI material “On the Edge of His Pain”, linked to BBC broadcasts.

“Lent: 2010: Count your blessings”

Action for Children (former NCH) encourages our prayerful reflection and action through Lent - a small amount is suggested to “put aside” each day for those so wishing (eg)

  • Ash Wednesday : “How many pancakes did you eat?” (10p each)
  • Thursday : “Neglected children often wear clothes unsuitable for the weather: how many winter coats do you own?” (20p each)

See noticeboard / sheets on Vestibule table / download from www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 16th February, 7.30 pm Meadowside St Paul’s Shrove Tuesday “Pancakes and Fellowship”
Wednesday 17th February, 1 pm Meadowside St Paul’s Ash Wednesday Worship including imposition of Ashes
Wednesday 17th February, 7.30 pm Our Lady of Good Counsel, Westfield Road, Broughty Ferry (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Service of Ashes
Thursday 18th February, 5.15 pm Younger Hall, North Street, St Andrews (map) James Gregory Lecture by David Wilkinson - “God and the Big Bang”. The Rev David Wilkinson is a Methodist Minster and Principal of St John's College, University of Durham. His background is research in theoretical astrophysics, where he gained a PhD in the study of star formation, the chemical evolution of galaxies and terrestrial mass extinctions. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and also holds a PhD in Systematic Theology.
The James Gregory lectures are a series of 12 public lectures by eminent national and international speakers held at the University of St Andrews over a 4-year period on a wide range of contemporary issues in Science and Religion. All the lectures are open for all without tickets or registering.
“The basic aim is to encourage constructive and open dialogue and an exchange of ideas on many intriguing points of contact between Science and Religion. At this time of a rise of unhealthy fundamentalism, there is a need to increase understanding, so that we may be better informed about the nature of the scientific enterprise and of religious thought. Both Science and Religion have key insights about our human nature, our creativity and our possible future.
Thursday 18th February 2010, 7.30 pm Matthew and Hilary's home Fellowship Group: “The cross is the most famous symbol of Christianity. We have one on the outside of our church, at the front when we worship, and some wear a cross as jewelry. But why did Jesus die on the cross? Was it a cruel miscarriage of justice, the execution of a dangerous rebel or something more? Join us at fellowship group as we look at the meaning of the cross. All are welcome. (If you need a lift let Tom P know and one can be arranged.)”
Friday 19th February, 12 noon - 1.30 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. Soup - a good selection each week - is served with bread & cheese, followed by coffee for £2, in support of this ecumenical aid, relief and development charity. There is also opportunity for meeting old friends and making new ones. A warm welcome is extended to Ferry Folk, people popping out from Dundee, and other visitors.
Friday 19th February 2010, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, upstairs Church Council

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Daily prayers are led at 9.00 - 9.15 am, with Network members particularly asked to join, if possible, on Wednesday mornings.

Prayers are particularly invited for the Interim Management Group following the resignation of Carol Stobie as Director, for Carol herself and her family, and for House staff, including the new Assistant Director, Genevieve Curran.

Prayers are invited this week for those using the House, including Churches Committee on Healthcare Chaplaincies and Quaker Meeting (Thursday), Scottish Chamber Choir (Friday - Saturday), Training Group (next weekend).

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in February for work in Thailand. See noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • progress towards completion of new Bible translation in Latvia and resumption of projects temporarily suspended for lack of funds;
  • successful distribution to Sunday School teachers and the military in Russia, also completion of the Bible in contemporary Russian;
  • pressures within Ukraine because of economic and political crises and Bible Society work there.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 25th February 2010, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church Circuit Leadership Team
Wednesday 24th March 2010, 10 am to 4 pm pm Al-Maktoum Institute, 124 Blackness Road, DD1 5PE “Race and Religion in Dundee”. A Conference, under the auspices of Citizens Advice Bureau, designed to
  • promote active citizenship
  • support victims of racial and religious crime
  • overcome discrimination and barriers to employment, education and training.

It would help catering provision if those planning to attend registered by Friday 26th February with John White or Zoe Watson - tel (01382) 431581; email : johnw@dundeecab.casonline.org.uk or zoewatson@dundeecab.casonline.org.uk.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President and Vice-President of Conference in the Leeds District to Wednesday;
  • Connexional Strategy & Resources Committee, Thursday;
  • Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland, especially Rev Linda Bandelier - Methodist, & Edinburgh Area Organiser;
  • outcomes for our District and Circuit from Stationing Committee meeting on Tuesday;
  • partner, CBA, in Congo, reuniting families (Christian Aid);
  • Nazareth School of Nursing (BibleLands);
  • new projects and development of existing work (Methodist Homes);
  • Bible Society work in Thailand;
  • The Leprosy Mission's promotional work in the UK and Ireland;
  • we pray with and for all the peoples of Portugal, Spain, Italy and Malta (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Ebbw Vale and Tredegar (S Wales) and in Clydebank (Glasgow Circuit).