Dundee Methodist Church

29 August 2010

Next Sunday: 5 September 2010

11 am
Worship, including an Act of Commissioning of Pastoral Visitors and the annual Covenant Service, conducted by the Rev Mary Patterson; Communion Offering for the Methodist Relief & Development Fund

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Children's Group rotas

The Children's Group will resume next Sunday but with a different approach to provide support for Lorna & Margaret as 'leaders'. Please contact Lorna & / or Margaret to offer assistance or discuss what is now being considered.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 29th August 2010, 7.30 pm Blairgowrie Town Hall “The Million Dollar Man” and his Life story - leaflets on Vestibule table.
Monday 31st August to Wednesday 1st September 2010 Scottish Churches House, Dunblane Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's Visit.
“In 1983, a year after the last Papal visit, a group of British Council of Churches members of the Division of Ecumenical Affairs, with some leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain, were invited to a return visit. We enjoyed the hospitality of most major departments of the Curia, among them a memorable conversation with the then Cardinal Ratzinger.”
This gathering in Dunblane will seek to engage with different assertions, made during that visit to Rome, relating to '(the) Truth'. The event is being arranged in connection with the first Papal visit since 1982 and the Guest of Honour is to be the Rt Rev David Jenkins, former Bishop of Durham.
For details, see leaflets / booking forms on the Vestibule table, contact SCH on 01786 823588, see website : www.scottishchurcheshouse.org, or email reservations@scottishchurcheshouse.org.
Wednesday 1st September 2010, 1 pm - 1.50 pm Caird Hall (map) Caird Hall Organ Concerts: tickets £4 (£14 for series of 4) from Dundee City Box Office. This week Rupert Jeffcoat, organist of St John's Anglican Cathedral, Brisbane, Australia.
Wednesday 1st September 2010, 6.30 pm Perth Methodist Church, Scott Street Welcome for Rev Benson Chongo- a warm invitation is extended to everyone to the official Welcome Service for our new Circuit Minister. This Service, led by the Rev Lily Twist, Chair of the Synod, will also include the Recognition of the Rev Mary Patterson as our Circuit Superintendent.
It will help the Welcome Group to have an idea of numbers of people coming from Dundee; offers of food will also be welcome. Please indicate these through any Church Steward or Keith Pearson, Circuit Steward.
Friday 3 - Sunday 5 September 2010 Camperdown Park (map) Dundee Flower and Food Festival. See posters and leaflets. www.dundeeflowerandfoodfestival.com
Saturday 4th September 2010, 1 pm St Paul's Cathedral, 1 High Street, Dundee Music in St Paul's: Jill Harrison (soprano) with Mary Veal (clarsach & piano). Tickets £4 / £3 concessions, £2 children, at door. For series details see Programme.
Saturday 4th September 2010, 2 pm Portessie Methodist Church Commissioning Service of Jenny Lee as President of Women's Network Scotland, followed by entertainment and tea. The Service will be conducted by the Rev Lily Twist, Margaret Law as the Retiring Network President, and other District Officers. If you hope to attend it will assist with catering to notify this via 01261 821280; jenny.scouts@btinternet.com before Friday 20th August.
Saturday 4th September 2010, 11 am to 3 pm Carlogie House, Carnoustie Fun Day. Proceeds to Princess Royal Trust Carlogie House Respite Facility. See poster and leaflets on Vestibule table.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Prayers are invited this week for meetings and events in the House: International Work Camp (all week), Theological Seminar in connection with the Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the UK (Monday-Wednesday); ACTS Education Group (Monday).

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited for work in August in Vietnam and in September in Panama. See noticeboard for more information.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • local Bible Society work in the West Bank and Gaza;
  • work in Panama with women marginalized by prostitution;
  • students in Egypt and Christian teachers working with them;
  • distribution work among the needy and displaced in Iraq during times of church persecution.

Anniversary Celebrations of the 1611 King James Bible

Following a presentation at this year's Methodist Conference in Portsmouth, the District Synod in September will be invited to help focus our attention through the Biblefresh Programme.

As part of this, the Scottish Bible Society intimates that from June to September 2011 there will be the opportunity for people throughout Scotland to hand-write a “People's Bible for Scotland”. Exhibition space will be set up in local communities where people can come and write a small portion of Scripture - each page giving “a snapshot of the people of Scotland in 2011”. Our support through prayer for this vision and the resources to carry it out is invited NOW.

2009 Scottish Bible Society Bicentenary Appeal for Brazil

This Appeal raised £250,000 to fund a multi-purpose vehicle to take medical and spiritual aid to people in the north-east of Brazil, its poorest region, “with communities blighted by problems like drug-trafficking and child prostitution”. The vehicle is now delivering medical services, civic advice and Scripture resources from its base in Recife.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
11th September 2010 6 pm dinner, 7.30 pm concert Scottish Churches House, 1 Kirk Street, Dunblane, Perthshire, FK15 0AJ Music for an Autumn Evening : this event is part of the celebration of the 50th Birthday of Scottish Churches House. A Pre-Concert Dinner at 6 pm is to be followed by a Chamber Concert at 7.30 pm with works performed by the Wind Quintet “Interplay”. For details of the programme and booking, please see leaflet on noticeboard, www.scottishchurcheshouse.org, telephone 01786 823588. Proceeds are for the SCH Development Fund.

Prayer Points for this week

  • all affected by natural disasters, especially in Pakistan, China & Chile; those seeking to bring rescue and relief;
  • The Methodist and Orthodox Churches, each starting a new church year on September 1st;
  • the President and Vice-President at the Connexional Team Service on Wednesday;
  • the Rev Mary Patterson as she formally becomes our Circuit Superintendent on Wednesday;
  • the people of Niger facing severe famine (Christian Aid);
  • Bethany Girls' School, facing intimidation (BibleLands);
  • staff and residents in homes in Cumbria (Methodist Homes);
  • Bible Society work in Vietnam and in Panama;
  • The Leprosy Mission's Field Officers;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Leigh and Hindley Circuit (Bolton and Rochdale District) and our colleagues in Montrose (Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit).