Dundee Methodist Church

11 April 2010

Next Sunday: 18 April 2010

11 am
Worship led by the Rev David Firth

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Easter Offerings

Envelopes are available for return today or in coming weeks through the offering plate, for support of this annual Appeal for the work of the world-wide Church. Please note the opportunity for Gift Aid and fill in the reverse as appropriate, if you pay tax.

Thanksgiving Service

A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Joe Ostle is to be held in the church on Wednesday 14th April at 2 pm.

Sybil, Sheila, Keith and the family extend a warm welcome to all, to attend this and to share refreshments with them afterwards at Woodlands Hotel, Broughty Ferry.

Synod: “Methodists in Scotland 2015????”

The District Spring Synod is being held next weekend in Bridge of Allan Parish Church premises to coincide with a visit by the Rev Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church and Secretary of Conference. The day is thus being arranged to provide “an opportunity to celebrate all that has been and is happening in the churches as well as to consider 'What is next?' ”

Synod business will be in the morning, followed by an address by Martyn Atkins; the afternoon will be more openly consultative, concluding with worship and further shared table fellowship in the early evening.

“Breakout” for the weekend and beyond 2010 : connect

This weekend event, held under the auspices of the Methodist Church, will take place in Cliff College, Derbyshire, from 9th - 11th July as an event

  • open to all young people, between 11 & 23;
  • to be an inspiration, resource and challenge to explore and express the Christian faith;
  • that values, supports and equips young people;
  • to complement, resource and enhance work in the local setting;
  • with a theme, this year, of “connect”.

Booking is through groups, not on an individual basis, but young people can be linked together through Circuits, Districts or ecumenical groups. There is consideration being given into possible arrangements for young people in churches in Scotland where there are not formal “youth groups”.

For more details see posters on downstairs noticeboard or www.breakout2010.info. Also ask Tom P about possible arrangements in Scotland.

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 14th April, 2 pm Dundee Methodist Church Service of Thanksgiving, for Joe Ostle
Friday 16th April, 12 noon - 1.30 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. Soup - a good selection each week - is served with bread & cheese, followed by coffee for £2, in support of this ecumenical aid, relief and development charity. There is also opportunity for meeting old friends and making new ones. A warm welcome is extended to Ferry Folk, people popping out from Dundee, and other visitors.
Friday 16th April, 2 pm Bridge of Allan Parish Church, 12 Keir Street, Bridge of Allan Ministerial Synod
Saturday 17th April Bridge of Allan Parish Church, 12 Keir Street, Bridge of Allan The District Spring Synod has been planned to coincide with a visit by the Rev Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church and Secretary of Conference. The day is thus being arranged to provide “an opportunity to celebrate all that has been and is happening in the churches as well as to consider 'What is next?' ”
Synod business will be in the morning, followed by an address by Martyn Atkins; the afternoon will be more openly consultative, concluding with worship and further shared table fellowship in the early evening.
Saturday 17th April, 10.30 am Meadowside St Paul’s Café Chantant with a performance of Brahms' Love Song Waltzes at 11 am; tickets £2.50 at the door.
Sunday 18th April, 4 pm Meadowside St Paul’s Concert by Dundee University Bach Consort; retiring collection for church funds.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Prayers are invited this week for meetings and events in the House, including Asylum Seekers' Break (Sunday to Wednesday), Church Leaders' Meeting (Monday), Local Wild Life Group (Tuesday), ACTS Church Life Network (Wednesday), Universal Order (Wednesday to Friday), Holmehill Group, (Thursday), 'In the Mirror of Cartography' event (Friday to Sunday).

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in April for work in Ethiopia. See noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer for the Bible Society in New Zealand, also introduction of E100, a Bible-reading resource to help the renewal of faith;
  • Jesus All About Life campaign in Australia, also God's Story for the Outback, a multimedia pack for indigenous children;
  • translation of Luke's Gospel into Fataluku, in East Timor.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 22nd April, 7 - 9 pm St Leonard's Church, Hepburn Gardens, St Andrews Christian Aid Roadshow with Kathy Galloway (writer, broadcaster, former Leader Iona Community). To book a free place, contact 0131 220 1254 or edinburgh@christian-aid.org .
Friday 7th May, 9.30 am to 1 pm, followed by lunch Social Work Offices, Balmerino Road, Dundee DD4 8RP Partnership in Practice - Review Event: Have Your Say. Under the auspices of Dundee City Council and NHS Tayside, there is opportunity to “let us know what you think about services in Dundee to People with Learning Disabilities and their Families”.
There will also be information about “Keeping Safe, Community and Home Safety, and Adult Support and Protection”.
To book a place and lunch contact Jenny Hill - (01382) 438427; email jenny.hill@dundeecity.gov.uk.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference on retreat this week, the Vice-President on the Isle of Man next weekend;
  • visit of Rev Martyn Atkins to Scotland next weekend;
  • the Circuit's arrangements for arrival and welcome of the Rev Benson Chongo and family from Zambia;
  • Loretta Minghella taking over from Daleep Mukarji as Director of Christian Aid (Christian Aid);
  • Hope School in Bethlehem, offering secondary education to 140 boys aged between 10 and 18, including 40 boarders (BibleLands);
  • projects in the Northampton District (Methodist Homes);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Guinea and Nigeria;
  • Bible Society work in Ethiopia;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Penarth (South Wales) and in Stirling (Central Scotland Circuit).