Dundee Methodist Church

3 May 2009

Next Sunday: 10 May 2009 - Christian Aid

11 am
Worship led by the Rev David Firth

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

“Letter sent in the Springtime of Love”

Our “sisters in the Guild” at Meadowside St Paul's Church have sent an invitation to join them in looking ahead for the future of their Guild Meeting on a more ecumenical basis. Our presence and comments are invited at a Savouries Evening on Monday May 11th at 7.15 pm in their Church Hall. This would provide opportunity to consider programme and speakers, plus the rather tricky question of “which evening to meet”.

Their letter of invitation is on the Vestibule table and we are asked to “RSVP” by May 3rd (ie today!).

PS : an invitation has now been received from Meadowside St Paul's re the formation of a Men's Club on 19th May - details next week.

District Newsletter / Circuits' News

Both are now available on the Vestibule table. If you wish a copy (of either or both) forwarded electronically, please contact the Eassons.

“Worried about your memory?” Test Campaign in Dundee

The Scottish Government and NHS Scotland are undertaking a campaign in Dundee, through the agency of The Gate Worldwide Limited, to test awareness and understanding of dementia.

  • The aim is for this campaign to be as widely-known as possible, through public advertisement, posters, and distribution of booklets.
  • A supply of booklets has been delivered to Marketgait and we are invited to take, read, distribute, and “pass on the word” as appropriate.
  • The target group is “the over-45's : those with memory worries of their own as well as those concerned for families and friends”.

An introductory letter and the Booklets are on the Vestibule table. Information about The Gate Worldwide can be obtained from 100 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JJ, tel: 0131 555 0425; >www.thegateworldwide.com.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 5th May, 5.30 - 9.00pm Scottish Churches House, Dunblane Grasping Nettles: Easeful Death, led by Rev Prof Peter Brunt. Light evening meal, presentation / questions / break / discussion / night prayer. Cost is £15. More details from SCH, 1 Kirk Street, Dunblane, FK15 0AJ Tel: 01786 823588 or http://www.scottishchurcheshouse.org.
Wednesday 6th May, 6 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Learning Group
Friday 8th May, 12 noon - 1.30 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. The weekly lunch (£2) comprises a choice of home-made soups, bread & coffee, plus conversation with friends 'old and new'.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work in Cambodia. See library area noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • development of design and materials in South Korea for use elsewhere in the world;
  • continuing repression in North Korea;
  • long-awaited Mien Bible and first Thai-Chinese New Testament, in Thailand, also relocation of Bangkok Bible House;
  • United Bible Societies Day of Prayer, Saturday;
  • translators from minority groups, adequate funding, and distribution work in Vietnam.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 14th May, 10 am to 2 pm St Ninian's Cathedral, Perth Planning and Information Gathering Event for ACTS: “A Quiet Day for Scotland”.
Last year the first national “Quiet Day” was marked at St Andrewstide by various means of reflection, with support from the First Minister who attended a Service in Edinburgh and requested a specially written prayer for use on the Day. This year's resource pack will be launched at this event. There is no charge for attendance but registration is vital for seating and catering arrangements (coffee and lunch included). To book, please contact Shona Paterson, Network Officer, ACTS, 7 Forrester Lodge, Inglewood, Alloa FK10 2HU; email: shonapaterson@acts-scotland.org; tel: 01259 216980 (giving details of name, address, contact - email / phone; any special dietary or other requirements).  
Saturday 16th - Saturday 23rd May at 7.30 pm, with matinee on Saturday 23rd at 2.30 pm Little Theatre, 58 Victoria Road, Dundee Dundee Dramatic Society presents “When the Reaper Calls”, a comedy thriller.  Tickets £8 from City Box Office.
Wednesday 10th June, 10 am to 3.30 pm West Park Centre, Perth Road, Dundee Caring Costs : free conference, organised by CrossReach (Church of Scotland's care agency) in partnership with Carers Scotland. Details see www.crossreach.org.uk/CarersConference.asp or from Maggie Hunt, tel 0131 657 2000; email :carers@crossreach.org.uk.  
Saturday 13th June, 10 am to 4 pm National Christian Outreach Centre, Riggs Road, Perth “Turning the Church on its head”. This “District Event for Everyone” is a successor to previous 'Resourcing' and 'Networking Days'. The facilitator will be the Rev Barbara Glasson (of “Fresh Expressions” 'Bread Church - Somewhere Else'. Those who know Barbara (ie Revs Lily Twist & David Firth) or have experienced her leadership ('tricia & Sandy and David E as delegates to Conference in Blackpool 2007) are enthusiastic about who she is and what she does. BOOKING FORMS NOW ON TABLE - please return to Methodist District Office, SCH, Dunblane FK15 0AJ or email Fiona Inglis: :meth@scottishchurcheshouse.org  
Sunday 28th June, 7.30 pm Caird Hall (map) “In Christ Alone”, a musical celebration of the life of Christ, featuring Keith & Kristyn Getty, special guest Stuart Townend, and the Dundee Gospel Choir and Orchestra. See leaflets on Vestibule table for information.  

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference in West Yorkshire this week and Lincoln & Grimsby next weekend;
  • preparations for Christian Aid Week events in Scotland;
  • District Learning Groups meeting in Dunblane on Saturday;
  • young people in Tayside and new youth venture at Marketgait;
  • projects in Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire (Methodist Homes);
  • conditions of increasing drought in Ethiopia (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Cambodia;
  • Education programmes of the Annahda Centre in Ramallah for those with special needs (BibleLands);
  • The Leprosy Mission's research work;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Sudan and Uganda (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Cheadle (Chester and Stoke-on-Trent District),and in Barrhead (Ayrshire & Renfrewshire.